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Finns pov:

I woke up in my bed like any other morning, except...the sky wasnt all sunny and bright.

I sat up on my bed to see dark clouds, look pretty creepy honestly.

I got my phone to text millie to see if she was gonna go to school still.

I got up and took my shower.

I came back in the room and chnaged into my outfit for the day.

I came back in the room and chnaged into my outfit for the day

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Then i checked my phone to see millie responded back.

She said she still was gonna go to school.

I went downstairs to see my brother nick and dad.

"Morning nick, morning dad" i greeted as i walked into the kitchen.

"Finn if you want, you can stay home. I heard theres gonna be a pretty bad storm. I just dont want you walking in the rain." My dad said.

"It's fine, my friend can give me a ride" i assured him.

He nodded and sipped his coffee.

I ate my breakfeast and then headed off to school.


I finally arrived at my highschool and walked up to the entrance.

"Sup finnie" i heard a familiar voice say behind me.

I turned and saw jack.

"Wassup man" i greeted back.

"Hey i wanna kno-" jack was cut of by a female voice.

"Finn hey can we talk" the voice being iris apatow.

I faced her.

"Oh uh iris, you again..." i said with no emotion.

" blocked my number and accounts." She said.

"Okay and?" I asked annoyed.

"Uh iris hes not intrested" jack added.

"Okay and no one was talking to you fred savage" she said back to jack.

"If millie sees you here, shes gonna kill you" i warned.

"Well damn finn, i cant talk to you on social media, thats why im here" she said.

"Uh maybe i dont wanna talk at all" i said back.

"What why?, what did i do?" She asked.

"Um this, you're like creepy, spamming my phone like you're my girlfriend" i said.

"Are you saying i have a chance?" She asked.

"No not at all! I have no interest in you the fuck, im with millie and im happy, so accept that and suck it up" i said harshly and walked away from the scene.

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