spin the bottle

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Millies pov:

Currently i was in the kitchen making brownies with lilia and maddie.

The boys were taking turns playing fortnite.

And maddie and sadie were talking to finn about something.

I would stare every now and then wondering what they were discussing.

"Mills hey give me the tray" lilia said.

"Huh..oh yeah" i said getting back to my sences and getting the tray and giving to lilia.

"Are you okay?" Lilia asked while looking at me.

"Uh yeah...why?" I asked looking back at her.

"You seem...off edge" she said.

"S-sorry, just thinking about some stuff" i said back. Which was true.

I kept thinking of finn and mike.

Also what the fuck maddie and sadie were discussing with him.

"...mills you know, you can talk to me we've been best friends since 5th grade" she said while putting her hand on my shoulder and patting it softly.

"Yeah of course, i know" i said while smiling a bit.

She smiled back.

"Well time to get these brownies in the oven" she said while grabbing the pan.

"Yeah, yeah" i said while opening the oven and helping her put the pan in.


"These brownies are so good" noah said while stuffing probably the 9th one into his mouth.

"What the hell, save some you pig" gaten said while slapping his arm.

"HEY, sorry just get some then" he said.

"I've been waiting to, but you've been here hoarding them all" gaten said back.

"Guys, guys...lets stop arguing and play a game" sadie said.

"Like..???" Johnny asked.

Then sadie went in the kitchen and got a beer.

I furrowed my eyebrows, confused at what game she was trying to say.

She opened the beer and chugged it.

"Wow, you can drink" noah said sarcastically.

She stuck the middle finger at him.

"Spin the bottle" she said

"Thats cliche" finn said.

"I dont care,we're playing" sadie said while sitting on the floor.

Noah sighed and sat across her.

Then maddie and caleb and lilia and johnny and gaten.

Then me.

"Finn you gonna play?" Maddie asked.

He rolled his eyes.

"Fine" he said and sat across Me.

"Goody, now who goes first?" Sadie asked.

"How about you,since you were the one with the idea" caleb said.

"Fine" she said and spinned the bottle.

It spinned for 6 seconds and landed on noah.

"Oooouuuuu" johnny said.

I laughed.

"Uh uh....can I spin again?" She asked.

"No thats not allowed" gaten said.

"Who are you? The creator of this game?" Sadie said.

"No...but i think you're to pussy to kiss noah since you might have a crush on him" he said.

"DAMN BURNED" maddie yelled

"Shut it asshole" sadie said.

We were all laughing hard but noah and sadie.

"I dont care its just a dumb kiss and game, hurry up sadie" noah said while rolling his eyes.

Sadie groaned in frustration.

"Fine" she said.

Then noah moved close to her and so did sadie.

Then they connected their lips.

"GET IT NOAH" Finn said.

Maddie and lilia laughed.

They pulled back and look at each other for a couple of seconds and then sat back in their spots.


We had been playing the game for a while and then it was my turn to spin.

"Finally millies turn" maddie said.

I rolled my eyes and spinned it hard.

It started to go slow.

My heart actually started beating fast.

What if it land on finn?...


I couldn't let that happen.

The bottle looked like it was about to spin one last time.

It was gonna land on finn or johnny.

So i kicked the bottle away.

"MILLIE HEY THATS NOT ALLOWED" maddie protested.

"Why did you do that?!" Sadie said.

I got up and walked outside.


Finns pov:

Millie walked out, upset i think.

I followed her and walked to her.

"Mills" i said.

She ignored me.

"Hey millie!" I said again.

She ignored me again.


"WHAT FINN?!" she turned around and yelled back.

"Whats wrong?!" I asked.

"Nothing...just leave me alone" she said.

Then i asked one of the most dumbest questions at the wrong moment.

"Are you on your period?" I asked.

She gave me a pissed off look.

"NO FINN IM NOT" she yelled.

I stayed quiet not knowing why she was acting like this.


"Millie...im sorry, why are you so upset?" I asked.

she stayed quiet.

Then she sighed.

"Finn....look i need fresh air...by myself" she said.

"....okay" i said.

Then i walked back inside.

I sat on the couch.

Why is she so upset, why is she yelling at me?!

"What happened, wheres millie?" Noah asked.

"Shes upset...needs fresh air...alone" i said quietly almost where no one could hear me probably.

They stayed quiet.

I was just thinking.

I need to find out whats wrong...


*may seem confusing will explain and comment i love to see your thoughts and do vote and thank you and love you all*

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