beach day

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Millies pov:

I woke up by the sound of some people cooking and talking in the kitchen.

I got up and walked towards the kitchen.

I rubbed my eyes and spotted lilia and finn and caleb.

Lilia was cooking and finn and caleb were discussing something.

"Hey guys" i said while yawning.

"Oh hey you're up early" lilia said.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"7:56" caleb said while looking at his phone.

"Damn" i said and sat down next to finn.

He looked at me and smiled a bit.

I remembered what i did last night and started blushing.

God why did i do that, he must feel so weird and uncomfortable.

"Sooooo what are we doing today?" Finn asked.

" school, i can only imagine one place where everyone will be at" lilia said while putting bacon on a plate.

"Where?" Finn asked.

"The beach" caleb said back.

"Ooouuu beach day" i said.

"Yeah hot girls in bikins" caleb said.

"True" lilia said.

I laughed a bit.

"Reasons why i love being friends with bi-girl" caleb said again.

Lilia burted out laughing and slapped calebs arm.


We had all gotten to the beach after breakfeast.

Me and lilia and sadie were getting a tan as the boys were throwing the football around.

Maddie was swimming around with noah.

"God this feels so good" sadie said.

"Yeah you really need tan" lilia said.

"You're as white as a-" i was cut off as a felt cold water on me being poured.

Me and lilia and sadie yelled.

We got up and ran from our spot.

We saw the boys laughing hard.

"ASSHOLES" sadie yelled.

"Ahhhhh" caleb mocked her scream.

"Fuck you" i said.

Then finn whispered something and the boys laughed.

"Dickheads" sadie said.

"Chill its just a prank bro" johnny said.

"That wasn't even funny" i said back.

"For us,it was" caleb said.

"Im getting so sick and t-" i was cut off by feeling a slap on my ass.

"Damn girl, you got a nice ass" a dude said.

"You fucking pig" sadie said and pushed him to the ground.

Then i saw finn jump on him and punch his face.

He kept punching his face and the boys tried to pull him off.

"Finn GET OFF HIM" lilia yelled.

He got pulled off finally and the guy got up slowly and ran.

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