Bad Intentions

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Part Ten

"Aapi how are you feeling?," Noor asked when Zoya called to tell her that she remembered pretty much everything that she had lost memory of.

" Hum theek hain Noor. Tell me what did Abbu do or say to Aditya when I was in the hospital?"

Noor paused.

"Batiye huhme," she insisted.

" Abbu told him it was because of his family and his lack of care for you that you were in that state. Ammi and I reasoned with him that it was because of Aditya that you survived. Later on Abbu agreed to let Aditya help bring you home again. But you know Abbu, he told Aditya not to tell you about the marriage or that you miscarried," Noor admitted.

"Thanks Noor. I know my kohinoor would never hide anything from me. I will deal with Abbu later. Take care of yourself and Ammi. I will be in touch in a few days if not sooner. I have to go to Seattle, Washington for a short time. Then soon we will all be together soon, I promise," Zoya said.

"Aapi I hope you won't go off alone again. You had all of us so worried last time," her sister stated.

Zoya paused before answering.

" Fikar mat karna. Aditya hai na," she assured her.

After hanging up the phone, Zoya reached for her suitcase and placed her phone in her purse. She walked towards the outskirts of the property. A car awaited her, the driver popped the trunk and she put her suitcase in the trunk.

She sat down in the backseat.

"So ready?"

She smiled slightly up at the driver.

" Yes. Let's go to the Mediterranean Inn in Seattle. I checked it's about five hours from here," she stated.

The driver turned to look at her and tipped his hat.

"Wherever you wish my lady," he declared.

Zoya tried not to laugh aloud.

" Focus on the road," she declared as she got comfortable.

Hours later..

"Madam, we have arrived."

She lurched awake.


"Any help with your baggage?"

"Sure thanks," she responded.

She checked in and the driver placed her bag by the receptionist desk. She handed him a note and his payment subtly.

30 minutes later..

"Room service!"

Zoya tightened her robe as she peeked to see who it was.

She opened the door and let them in.

Crossing her arms, she asked," What have you brought me?"

"Chinese your favorite," he said as he lifted up the covers.

It was not Chinese but that was part of their code.

" So coast was clear?," she asked.

His nimble fingers traced the skin on her neck. When she squirmed he tugged at her robe sash at her waist.

"Of course it was. Also the other request you had has been settled," he replied.

" Under or over budget?," she asked.

" A bit over, but it will be perfect for what we need," he assured her.

"Theek hai. Let's eat," she declared.

"So this is from Kung Pho on Queens Ave right?"

"Yes just around the corner like you asked," he replied.

"Ok let's see if it lives up to its ratings!"

"Hmm very good and tastes fresh," she declared.

" Agreed. So what time tomorrow?"

"If we get them here when we need to, then standby flight to New York then straight to Mumbai."

"Get some rest after this."

"You too. Are you staying nearby ?"

"Yes. Don't worry I will always be nearby," he assured her.

Somewhere else..

" Zoya has arrived in Seattle alone. Guess it took her this long to find her way back."

"I was hoping she would have gone back to India or better yet died so the truth can never be revealed."

" Well you screwed up there. You had a perfect chance to end her."

" You failed to kill her back in Mumbai as well."

"But alas that was when Aditya got lucky and saved her from drowning. Fluke chance. No way he could have saved her if you ended her story in Victoria like you were supposed to," he declared.

" Point is she is alone , still in a foreign land. Nor the Hoodas or Siddquis have any connections here. I say we grab her tomorrow and end this for good."

"Sounds like a plan. I will go to the Meditternean Inn and convince her she needs to come with me. You already let her down, she won't go with you."

Yash shook his head. He should have killed Zoya in Victoria. Here in Seattle someone could witness something. Anyways he would let this crazy nut handle it this time. He was former CID after all. He knew how to get rid of evidence.

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