Chapter 1 : Debut

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You were just a recent call up that was branded to what they would call the 'Flagship Show Monday Night RAW!'

It had took you two whole years to even get a tryout from WWE and here you were on RAW.You had the hardcore punk rock vibe going for you , the tattoos spoke for themselves.

As of now you shut yourself off from everyone as you sat in a closed off backstage area with music playing from your phone.You never really were a people person, or the better word for it could be antisocial but you didn't care.

This was always how it was like in your indie days as far as your singles career could say.Your music gets interrupted by an alert on your phone saying : SHOWTIME

It was an alert on your phone that you put to remind yourself of the greet that WWE's creativity team discussed and went over when you were in the meeting.

Y/N:Welp...I guess that it's about that time...

You appear out of the dark hallway and into the light that nearly blinded you from being in the shadows for too long.

You continue to walk around until you feel a poke on your shoulder unexpectedly.You turn around to a girl with pink hair,one had tattoos similar to yours and piercings, and the last had hunting paint beat to her face.

Y/N:Uh hey...need something?

The punk rock girl outreached her arm for you to shake.

Ruby:Nice to meet your acquaintance,my names Dori but my ring names Ruby Riott!

Sarah:Just like my ring name my actual name is Sarah Bridges...

You nodded your head,still not knowing what exactly they were fully introducing themselves for.

Liv:And last but not least the one and only Liv Morgan- or at least on T.V that is! I'm Gionna Daddio my pleasure!

Y/N:Since I'm the new guy around here the names Y/N L/N...I'm not a people's person.

Sarah and Liv grinned.

Ruby:That's great actually...

Y/N:Hm? How so?

Ruby:Oh they didn't tell you?

Liv:Ruh roh!

Ruby:From this day forward you are the fourth member of The Riott Squad.

Liv in excitement clapped her hands and while smiling brightly at you.

You were confused as to why this was happening.Everything seemed to move so fast that you didn't notice who had just came up to you.

Stephanie:Hello Y/N! I see that you met your all women stable.I hope that this isn't a problem? When I've looked at your back history you've been on a singles run throughout your entire Indies career.

Y/N:Yeah, and I thought that we discussed over in the meeting that I would be a singles competitor here on RAW...

Stephanie:We did.Unfortunately the creative team had another idea and here you are.

Y/N:Not to discredit these ladies but I walk alone.Thats just how it's always been in my career!

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