Chapter 7 : Universal Title

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A months passed after the brand new era of RAW.Stephanie and Shane McMahon continued to give the fans what they wanted and this seemed to be fairing well with the overall ratings of the show.

The entire division of RAW both male and female talents awaited on stage for the announcements that were going to be announced.

Stephanie:Ladies and gentlemen welcome to Monday Night RAW!

The crowd gave her an overwhelming response.

Shane:Y'know what Stephanie instead of wasting the WWE Universe's time why don't we invite our guest out.

Stephanie:Shane O Mac getting right to the point, I like it! So if that person would kindly join us...

There was a moment of silence.Braun Strowmans theme played and out came the cheers from the Universe.The crowd of superstars parted way for Braun as he made his way to the ring.

Shane:Braun tonight we have much to discuss business that has to do with the Universal Championship.

Stephanie:Yes and this is when we count on the WWE Universe for help on choosing Braun Strowmans opponent.

Braun:I don't need the WWE Universes help! I'll take on the entire locker room if I have to!

The fans were eating this up.Multiple superstars names were being chanted at once.

Braun:Unlike Brock Lesnar I'll defend this championship every night if I have to so whose it gonna be?!

You looked around the roster before you stepped out of the crowd until you stood alone on the ramp and into the ring.You grabbed a mic

Y/N:I'd love to take that off your hands.

Braun:You're on kid! Don't go crying back to your little squad for help when I absolutely destroy you tonight!

Y/N:Sorry but I've dealt with monsters like you before,and unlike everyone else on that stage...I'm not scared of you!


Ruby:So do you think that you'll win tonight?

Y/N:No.I'd say it's a little too soon for a title reign.

Ruby:I wonder if Ronda thought like that too before being put over to the top...

Y/N:I don't know.Maybe you should ask her!

You joked with Ruby.

Sarah:Imagine if we were all champions!

Y/N:I'd love to see that.I of course would be Universal champ, Dori would be Women's champ and the two of you would be RAW Women's Tag Team champions.

Liv:Yo that would be so do-

Her phone buzzed off.Once again it was the same number ID from the last time.

Y/N:Are you gonna answer that?

Liv:...Nah it's just a random number.


Sarah:You should really get a new number.

Liv:Trust me I've already tried...

Y/N:Do you guys have a match tonight?

Ruby:I haven't heard anything from them yet.

Liv:Maybe we're managing you tonight?

Y/N:It's a possibility.

Sarah:They don't tell us anything until last minute.

Ruby:And it's SUPER frustrating...

Y/N:I think anyone can agree with that statement.

Triple H himself shortly walked over to you.

Triple H:How's it going Y/N? Hello ladies.

Y/N:How can I help you?

Triple H:If you don't mind I'd like to discuss somethings with you in my office.Don't worry you're not in trouble.

You gave the Squad a questionable look before turning back.

Y/N:Sure thing.


Triple H:So Y/N could you maybe tell me what it's like in the indie- circuit?

Y/N:What exactly would you like know?

Triple H:The pay,the papers,contracts, y'know life on the indie scenes.

Y/N:Well for me it was hard getting used to but then it just got adjustable.

Triple H:What got adjustable?

Y/N:Moving around from city to city,being booked left and right and most certainly running on fumes once I realized where I was going next.

Triple H:Was the pay good? You can be honest with me.

Y/N:Depending on the altitude of the show they'll pay you more.If it was a run-in-mill Wrestling business with maybe 200 seats I'd expect the pay to be lower than...

Triple H:Ring Of Honor? NJPW?


Triple H:I see.How are you getting accustomed to WWE?

Y/N:So far so good.

Triple H:That's really all that I wanted to know.I don't pay attention to the independent scene to enough about these things.

Y/N:Anything else?

Triple H:No your free to go.

You met back up with the Squad before going into the gorilla.

Ruby:What happened?

Y/N:Nothing really.He wanted to know the system of the independent scene from my view.I can't say I know why though.


Liv:Ready to be champion Y/N?

Y/N:Thanks, even though I'm most likely booked to lose.

Ruby:Perfect then we'll lose together then!

Sarah:Let's do this...

They all began chanting losers together.

Y/N:I hate you guys...

A/N:This chapter was more filler but I guarantee the next three won't be.Dont forget to vote!

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