Chapter 3 : 11-21-17

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Ruby:This tattoo symbolizes true friendship.And since our RAW debut we haven't looked back!

Ruby had just got done explaining the importance of the tattoo that they all had.You were honestly amazed and fascinated at the same time of how much these three truly had this bond that went on-screen and off-screen as well.

With you leaving your old self behind and actually building up this strong bond, you couldn't help but feel a little left out.

Y/N:Thats awesome.

Liv:I know! Ahh I love you guys!

Backstage you sat with the Squad talking about numerous of things when the discussion of having another annual Riott Squad Adventure was brought up.

Liv:Come on guys! I say we go to the mall!

Sarah:Let's go Mountain hiking!

Ruby:Oh no Sarah...

Y/N:That actually doesn't sound bad.But I was thinking of something else.

Ruby:Go for it.

Sarah:Yeah let's hear it.

Y/N:Let's have a maze run!

Sarah:That sounds like fun!

Liv and Ruby weren't as crazed about the Maze Run like you and Sarah were.

Liv:Um Y/N darling?

Y/N:What's up?

Liv:What if we get lost and we can't find our way out? What if a freakin' alien ufo comes down to abduct us!?

Y/N:You watch way too much conspiracy theory videos...

Sarah:When I was little my papa would take me to these huge cornfields to play hide and seek in,I remember having so much fun!

Y/N:Boom! Not only do we get to have fun, but Sarah gets to relive her childhood.

Ruby:Okay so Maze Run it is!

You and Sarah high five each other.Tonight you were up to face Curt Hawkins in a schedule one on one with The Riott Squad managing you.In what was going to be a 30 second match.You honestly felt bad for Curt,but nonetheless a win is a win.


You made your entrance with The Riott Squad and looked Curt Hawkins dead in his eyes the entire time staring him down.You went to your corner and he went to his.The referee signaled towards the timekeepers area to ring the bell to get the match started.

You leave the ring suprising Curt.You flash an evil grin towards The Riott Squad when you walk past them to forcefully grab a mic from the timekeepers area.After that you slide back in the ring and began your in match promo.

Y/N:Hello Curt.My name is Y/N and I am your opponent for tonight.But based on your losing streak,you and I both know that there's no way in hell that you could ever beat me...

Corey:Ain't that the truth!

Renee:Oh come on is Y/N just going to talk down to Curt instead of fighting him?

Y/N:And let me just be honest here Curt,I don't feel like wasting my energy and I'm sure that you don't want to get beaten into a bloody mess! So I'm gonna give you the chance to walk out of this ring and get yourself disqualified to a 10 count...

The arena chants "No" in protest.Curt looks hesitant for a second but in defeat he exits the ring and does what he was exactly told getting himself disqualified for a ten count.

The referee raises your hand in victory as The Riott Squad theme played.They scare off the referee to link hands to raise in the air.You held open the ropes for them to take leave to backstage.

Sarah:Guys we are going to have sooo much fun tomorrow! Right Y/N?

Y/N:It's going to a blast


It was night time when The Riott Squad had finally arrived at the Maze.

Liv:Why's it sooo cold Y/N hold meee

Y/N:I bid a good luck to you all...

Ruby:Sheesh thanks! I just hope that I don't get lost!

Sarah:I bet that I'll make it out before you Y/N.

Y/N:You're so on!

With that the both of you started going into the maze from a different position.From the start you began to feel a slight panic that you were going in circles once you went past the same granite rock.

Y/N:Okay Y/N I know I'm not crazy...but this is the same rock that I've already walked past!

Then an idea crosses your mind...

Y/N:Maybe if I were to simply flip the rock over then maybe I'll keep track of where I've already walked maybe it'll help with keeping my sanity.


I continue to walk on this narrow path when I hear footsteps that came with an exhausted groan that seemed to be coming my direction.I changed course to see Rue Rue.She looked like a zombie...

"Rue Rue what happened to you?"

"I can't do this...where's the exit button!"

I raised my arms in confusion not knowing anything about there being an exit.

"Let's stick together Rue!"


I reached out my hand to hers so that we could never be separated.I wonder to myself if Y/N or Sarah finished the maze yet?


A little while later you found yourself reaching the end of the course.After taking many lefts , rights and dead ends you see the victory sign display.

Once you crossed it you fist bumped the air until you realized that you weren't the only one...

Y/N:Sarah?! You got here before me?!

Sarah:Hmph! Told you I'd win.

Liv:Ugh you guys!

Y/N:Hey you two.I'm glad to see that you survived the Maze in one piece...


Liv:That was sooo long! I thought that I would never make it out Y/N!


Liv:Don't pfft me!

Y/N:What do we say we grab some food on the way back and just chill? Because I don't know about you three but I'm starving!

Ruby:Aww Y/N that's soo sweet of you...

Y/N:Come again?

Sarah:That's so nice of you to pay for us!

Liv:Love ya!

Y/N:I had this coming...

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