Chapter 12 : Elimination Chamber

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Tonight was the Elimination Chamber Pay Per View.Emotions were running high in the backstage locker room.You along with a plethora of other RAW superstars were to be put in a 6-Man Elimination Chamber match for the chance at the Universal title.

Ruby:How are you feeling?

Y/N:I don't know.Nervous I guess...

Liv:Don't hurt yourself out there Y/N!

Y/N:I'm a risk taker, I can't promise that.

Ruby:Break a leg then!

Y/N:Will do.Dori your match is the next after Gionna's and Sarah right?


Y/N:Alright then.Guess I'll be on my merry way to hell then.Wish me luck Squad!

You shook off the nerves before hearing The Riott Squad music hit along with the audible pop of the WWE Universe.You take one last quick look at the Squad before cutting through the apron and into the stage...

Ruby's POV
The Squad and I rollout to the production area to watch over Y/N's match.Sarah and Gionna were watching so intently as was I.Just like everyone else nobody knew the outcome of the match besides the people involved.

I kept my fingers crossed in hope that Y/N would win.Without a doubt Y/N deserves this more than anyone else.I can only keep my hopes up.

Sarah's POV
Y/N's match was approaching an end.My heart sped up in anticipation when it was just Y/N and Strowman left.Kickout after kickout.I watched Y/N kick out unceremoniously after the toll of the entire match.There was an opening where Y/N setup Strowman for the finishing touch...

Liv's POV
The match from beginning to end was an instant classic.My eyes were glued to the screen with a shed of tears streaming down my face.If there's anyone's Y/N!

With blood leaking from my face , perhaps a cracked rib, and a half swollen eye I stand before everyone as the NEW UNIVERSAL CHAMPION! With the help of the referees they led me into the back.I tuned out the applause of the management and production room before seeing the Squad...


Ruby:What's up champ!?


Liv:We're sooo happy for you Y/N!

You managed to give them a group hug.

Sarah:Let's get you to the medics.

Y/N:Yep, I was on my way there.

The medical staff cleaned your face along with stitching up a cut.They examine your rib and came to a conclusion that it was fractured,not broken.

Doc:If you would have crashed into that chamber pod any harder your ribs would we cracked completely.

Y/N:How long am I going to be out?

Doc:A week at best.

Ruby:A week? That's nothing Y/N.

Liv:Thank goodness!


Sarah:...But what?

Doc:We're all adults here I know, but I'd recommend one of you to chaperone Y/N.In any circumstance if something goes wrong, it'd be good for someone to take care of him in person right then and there.Heres an ice pack.

Y/N:You heard the doc, which one of you lucky ladies wants to nurse me to health for a week?

Sarah:Looks like it's just going to be just you two.Im leaving with my family to a trip out to the country.

Y/N:Gionna? Dori?

Liv:I'm free.

Ruby:So am I...

Y/N:Then its settled! Alright doc wrap me up.

You set the Universal title onto your lap.You sit up straight so that he could wrap the brace around your stomach.

Ruby:I'm up next.

Y/N:Kill it!

Liv:You got this Rue-Rue!

Sarah:We'll watch your match from here to keep Y/N company.

She left shortly.You , Sarah , and Liv talked among yourselves over another ridiculous conspiracy that Liv brought up.The door swings open to someone you weren't expecting.

Triple H:Hey Champ!


Triple H:Congratulations,you deserve it.


Triple H:Don't mind me I just came by to pickup the reports.Rest easy.

He left.The three of you looked at each other and shrugged your shoulders in confusion.Half way into the match you let out a yawn.



Liv:What's up?

Y/N:I'm getting sleepy,I think that I'll catch some shut eye...

Liv:Nighty-Nighty champ!


You wake up to being completely alone.You glance at the pitch black TV and  back to your strongly wrapped wrap.

Y/N:That was one hell of a match...

You speculated where everyone had went so you got off the bed slowly and diligently as possible before leaving the room with the title in hand.

Y/N:Maybe I'll check catering...

Not there.

Y/N:Parking lot?

Not there

Y/N:Where did the Squad go?


Sarah:The Riott Squad are your first ever Women's Tag Team Champions!

You picked both of them up and squeezed their sides.

Y/N:I'm proud of you two...where's Dori?

Ruby:Your Champion is right here!

From behind she piggybacked off you almost throwing you off balance.

Y/N:What a night for The Riott Squad!

Ruby:We run this show now...

Y/N:Where did you guys run off to? I was looking all over for you guys.

Liv:Production area.You fell asleep remember? So after Rubys match was over she watched ours right after.

Y/N:Well that makes sense.Lets get out of here I'm hungry...

Triple H's Office...

Triple H:This is what they want Stephanie.

Stephanie:I agree.This is the time where the fans have a voice in making the decisions.And with that being said WWE just resigned a former Superstar...

Triple H:Who is this returning superstar?

Stephanie:Eric Arndt,formerly known as-


Stephanie:Enzo Amore has a schedule return the week after WrestleMania.

No words came from the mouth of Triple H with good reason.

Triple H:Let me already just say in advance that this is a bad idea!

Stephanie:I understand your frustration Hunter.This was a call made by my father specifically.Theres nothing that we can do.

A/N:Im just going to say who I want to win the Women's Tag Titles...
Cause I mean honestly...their most deserving of winning it.
Thanks for reading.Make sure to favorite if you enjoyed -S4D

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