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You were walking to school when out of nowhere, someone knocked you over.

"Hey! Watch where you're going!" A man yelled.

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't realise-" as you looked up, you realised how handsome he was...

"Idiot. Can't even walk." He scoffed, walking away.

"Hey! Don't talk to me like that!" You yelled, running after him.

"What NOW?" He asked. You stumbled back at the harshness in his tone, but then straightened.

"I'm the one who should be getting an apology." You declared. The guy scoffed and walked away. You pouted after him.

Someone tapped you on the shoulder and you turned around.


"Hi, I'm sorry... that's my friend..." this guys seemed so nervous to talk to you, like he had never even seen a girl in his life, let alone speak to one.

Because of this, you gave him a bright smile. He seemed to loosen a bit, but only slightly.

"I'm Y/N, by the way." You said, extending your hand towards him. He took it hesitantly and shook it.

"I'm Jungkook." I apologise for Yoongi's behaviour... he's been salty since his girlfriend broke up with him.

Jungkook rolled his eyes and you giggled. He smiled at the fact that he made you laugh.

Awww you thought bunny teeth!

"You look like a cute little bunny." You told him. Jungkook blushed deeply.

"I had better go." He told you. You nodded and he ran after his friend, stumbling a bit on the way. You watched him with your heart acting weird.

What is my heart doing? You thought, continuing your walk to school.


"S***!" You cursed aloud.

You just remembered that this was your first day and you didn't know where anything was...

A girl walked over. She had blonde hair, green-blue eyes, and round glasses. She looks cute, pretty and... nice. You thought.

"Are you lost, new girl?" She asked you. You looked at her, confused.

"But... how did you know I'm new?" You asked.

"Because, you make it really obvious." She giggled and you blushed from embarrassment.

"It's okay! So you at least have your schedule?" She asked you sweetly.

You handed over your schedule to her and she looked at it. "Oh. I'm two years above you. I'll show you where you are." She took your arm and showed you to your classroom. You thanked her and bowed. She bowed back.

"Oh, I didn't get your name..." you said. She smiled.

"Lian na. I'm Lian na. And you are...?"

"Y/N." You said, smiling.

"Ah, Lian na! There you are! I've looked everywhere for you!" A guy with plump pink lips and hair that looked like he constantly ran his hand through it walked up to you two.

"Oh, who's this?" He asked, smiling and bowing at you. You bowed back.

"Y/N." You told him. He extended his hand and you took it.

"Nice to meet you, Y/N, I'm Jimin." Jimin greeted. You smiled.

Then Jimin turned to Lian na. "We have to get to class or we'll be late." He told her. She nodded and you all said goodbye to each other and they walked away.

First day and I'm already making friends. You thought happily.

You walked into your classroom and saw... Jungkook?

He looked up and saw you. He waved you over shyly. Aww, he was super cute!

You walked over and sat next to him. "Hi." You said cheerfully. He just smiled. You saw a little dimple show and blushed.

"How are you?" You asked.

"I'm fine. You?" He asked.

"I'm great.

"I saw you talking to Jimin and Lian na out there." He said. You looked up from your books that you were organising on your desk.

"You know them?" You asked.

"Yeah, they're my friends." He said.

"Good to know you have some nicer friends than Yoongi." You mumbled.

"Oh, Yoongi's nice, you just have to take the time to know him. He doesn't normally act like that." Jungkook told you.

Then other people began to file into the classroom and Jungkook turned towards his notebooks, shy again.

He was so adorable...

———————————————————— ————————————————————AUTHORS NOTE: hi guys! I'm sorry if this chapter was sort of short. But I hoped you liked it. :) ————————————————————————————————————————

 :) ————————————————————————————————————————

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