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You were walking, deciding to try shopping since you were upset and that might calm you down.

When you were walking, you saw Lian na and Jimin you bit your bottom lip, feeling bad for what you had done.

You were walking up to her to apologise when suddenly, she crossed the road without looking, distracted by something.

Jimin lunges for her, but you caught his arm as a car screeched to a stop. You and Jimin both screamed Lian na's name as the car hit her and there was a sickening thud.

You burst into tears, running to Lian na and hugging her. "JIMIN CALL THE AMBULANCE!" You screamed through tears, hysterical.

Jimin did, hands shaking. He wasn't crying. His face was neutral. He looked like it hadn't set in what had happened, almost like his mind was protecting him from reality.

"Someone just hit my girlfriend." He said. His voice was shaking but sounded like he had no emotion, almost, as he told the dispatcher what had happened.

You couldn't hear it. The situation was not registering properly. You were stuck in shock, screaming and crying while people crowded around, attempting to calm you down.

The ambulance came and you and Jimin got in the back, shaking. Jimin was just staring ahead, holding Lian na's hand, neutral expression still there, though faded slightly, fear now peaking through the gaps.

You were talking to Jungkook on the phone, year's cascading down your face as you looked away from Lian na's body, bruised and battered, golden hair in ripples off of the bed.

Jungkook could still somehow understand you, and he was crying, too. You felt bad because you felt like he should be quiet and just listen to you, but at the same time, he had known Lian na for longer than you had.

Jungkook told you that he was on his way to the hospital. He said he was going to go but you begged him to stay on the line. He agreed.

At the hospital. Your bottom lip was trembling as you waited for Jungkook, nervously.

Lian na was in a coma. And you hated it. You just wanted her to wake up. No. You NEEDED her to wake up.

Please, I beg to god that my last words to her won't be me snapping...

You felt your eyes tear up when you thought those things.

Jungkook walked in, saving you from tears and you ran up and hugged him. He hugged you back, you were both shaking. When you pulled away, you saw the bags under Jungkook's eyes and felt your heart drop.

Jungkook looked over your shoulder and saw Jimin. He walked over and bent in front of the boy. Jimin almost looked paralysed at this point, his face showing no emotion.

"Jiminie...." Jimin looked at him, looking not quite looking at him at all, like he saw him but didn't register that he was in front of him at all.

"Hey..." Jungkook spoke softly, as if talking to a child.

It was then that you noticed Lian na, too, did this. Whenever Jimin was particularly upset, she would speak to him softly, soothingly, and he would feel better instantly.

"Hey hi." Jimin said, neutral, like he wasn't entirely sure of what he was saying. You wanted to cry just because of what this had done to Jimin.

But a part of you wanted to be taken care of. Why couldn't Jungkook take care of you? You felt guilty for thinking this, and burst into tears because you felt so terrible and guilty for these thoughts.

"I'll be back, hyung." Jungkook patted Jimin's shoulder and walked over to you and hugged you.

"You alright?" He asked gently. You shook your head. He hugged you again and then looked you in the eyes. "Let's take a walk." He said gently. You nodded and he wrapped his arm around your waist.

You walked onto the rooftop together. Jungkook stopped you when you two were alone. "Y/N... About Lian na..." Jungkook mumbled. Your face crumpled again and your bottom lip trembled. Jungkook looked at you, and you saw the pain in his eyes, too.

"Y/N... how... how do I comfort Jimin when I feel like I'm breaking myself?" He asked quietly. You shook your head.

"Believe me, if I knew, then I would tell you." You whispered. Jungkook just nodded. You shivered. It was so cold today...

"It's just that... Lian na's always the one that knows exactly what to say... she's the one that knows how to cheer us all up. Especially Jimin..." Jungkook trailed off.

"I-I know what you m-mean..." you stuttered, swallowing back tears. Jungkook hugged you and you hugged him back. Together, you both found strength in each other's warmth. Blocking out the cold together.

And you got the strength to say what you knew all along. It came the right time to say this...

"I love you." You blurted our, hugging him. You broke into tears again. "I love you, I love you, I love you!"  You cried against his chest while he tried to hush you.

"Y/N. I love you too." He hugged you back.

You cried for a while before looking up and smiling slightly weakly.

Together. You were stronger together. Something so strong, so sure. And it was no longer confusing. It was love.

————————————————————————————————————————AUTHOR'S NOTE: hey guys, I hoped you liked that chapter. I know it was a little cringey, so I'm sorry about that! 😬 But I hope that you still enjoyed it! I purple you all 💜💜

 I know it was a little cringey, so I'm sorry about that! 😬 But I hope that you still enjoyed it! I purple you all 💜💜————————————————————————————————————————

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