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It had been one month since you and Jungkook had started dating, and tonight you were going to go out that night to celebrate and you had gotten him a Gucci shirt that you had been saving up for.

It was a cheaper one, but obviously still quite expensive and you just HOPED that he would like it...

A boy from your class walked up to you. "Hey, Y/N, could I Uh... talk to you?" He asked. You bit your lip and nodded. The boy began going on about how you got so good at Maths, and basically wanted to know for himself. He told this is a very long, hesitant way, and you ended up talking for half an hour. You were so done by the end of it.

"Okay. Lian na. You know her, right?"

The boy scoffed. "The nerd?" He asked.

"My friend." You told him, your voice filled with venom.

"Oh... sorry..." you rolled your eyes.

"Look, she tutors, and she does it VERY well. So if you want your grades up fast, - which I assume since it's nearing the end year holidays - then go to her." With that, you turned and walked away.

You heard someone cough behind you on your way to your locker. You turned around. "Jungkookah!" You gasped, running up to him, but he kept his arms crossed. You stopped short a little bit in front of him and tilted your head it confusion.

"Can we talk? Outside?" You nodded, super confused. Jungkook grabbed your wrist and pulled you outside. He took you to the shade of a tree and let go of your wrist, crossing his arms again.

"Why were you talking to that boy?" He asked. You relaxed. Oh my god... THAT was it? He had you worried there!

"He's just a boy who wanted to pull his grades up." You rolled your eyes.

"Uh huh. And why was it that you two were talking for half an hour?" You rolled your eyes.

"Uhm... because he literally couldn't talk to me properly. Sounds like someone I know..." you smiled. But Jungkook's face remained serious.

"And why didn't he talk to me? Not to be rude or anything, but my grades are slightly better than yours." You stomped your foot.


"WHAT'S WRING WITH ME?! MAYBE I JUST DON'T WANT TO LOOSE YOU! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU, HUH?!" What the... did he seriously just flip out at you...? For what?! Now you were mad.

"WELL THEN, JEON JUNGKOOK, I DON'T KNOW IF MAYBE YOU FORGOT OR SOMETHING. BUT HERE! HAPPY FLIPPING FIRST ANNIVERSARY!" You shoved the box into his arms, his face shocked. Then you turned on your heel and walked away.

Why did I do that? What was wrong with me?! I just lost it at Y/N for no reason! I didn't want to be one of those boyfriends who didn't want their girlfriends to talk to any other guys, but that was what I was acting like. I sighed.

And the present. Frick! I forgot the god damned present! I had been so busy setting up and planning for the date (a date that maybe wouldn't even happen now) that I forgot!

I checked my watch. We were allowed to go out of school during lunchtime hours as long as we told a teacher. Half an hour left. Okay, that would give me enough time to get to the next store, buy her two gifts (one anniversary gift and one sorry gift) and get back ASAP.

I quickly walked to the nearest teacher, told them, and they let me go after getting my full name and form and next class. I bolted out of school grounds, to the nearest store and ran in.

After looking for about 5 minutes, I found a cute dream catcher and a teddy bear that said "I love you" when you squeezed it. Perfect. I grabbed a card and two gift bags as well and went up to the counter to pay. I felt sort of bad because I went to a super cheap store and Y/N had gone all-out and bought me a Gucci short.

I paid for my items, and bolted back to school, shoving the bear and dream catcher into the bags as I went. I got back to school with 10 minutes to spare. I still had to write the card... and hers was written so beautifully... sh**!

Then I saw Lian na. I remembered she was a writer and amazing at poetry. PERFECT! I ran up to her and told her my situation. She seemed shocked and taken-aback with the way I just suddenly approached her like that and started blurting out my situation without even a "hello" first, but she quickly regained composure and dragged me to a peaceful spot in the school.

We sat down and she helped me with the card. She didn't write it for me, just guided me. With 2 minutes left of lunch, I had this:

My beautiful Y/N,
Happy anniversary! You're so precious to me and I really hope that you enjoy our date or at least look forward to it as much as I am!
You make me smile every time I see you, you are truly my angel and my light (I know that parts a little cheesy but I was freaking out and ignored Lian na's slightly amused face) I love you, Jungkookah.

Then, to make it seem like I just added it now, on the other side of the card I wrote

I am so so so sorry that I reacted like that to you! You didn't deserve that at all! I will do my best to not flip out like that again... ❤️

I ran around after that, and finally found Y/N under a tree. I ran up to her.

"Y/N..." I said softly.

"Go away."


She looked up to me and I could see that she had been crying. I felt so bad. "H-Happy anniversary..." I mumbled, handing her the gifts and card. A little bit interested now, she took them and I sat next to her. Her curiosity was so cute!

She pulled out the teddy bear. She hugged it and jumped slightly as it said "I love you." She smiled that beautiful smile of her and hugged me. I hugged her back and she let go, opening the next gift. It had 'Sorry gift' written on the tag. She smiled.

"You really are sorry!" She said.

"Of course!" I told her. She smiled and hugged me again. Then she opened the card and read it. Just as she went to hug me once more when she finished reading, the bell went. Oh shoot...

She grabbed my wrist, shoved the card into the gift bag with the teddy bear, and stood up, grabbing onto the gift bags.

"We have to put these in my locker first, come on!" She dragged me as she ran.

————————————————————————————————————————AUTHOR'S NOTE: So I hoped you guys all liked the chapter... sorry if it was a bit boring... 😐. Before I go I have an announcement to make, I am currently writing a Jimin ff (Called Love From Jimin) that I hope to publish the first chapter of very soon. So if you guys have any ideas for it or anything, please leave them here. That's all. Thank you and I purple you all!! 💜💜

 Thank you and I purple you all!! 💜💜————————————————————————————————————————

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