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"WE HAVE A TEST?!" You screamed. "LIKE, TODAY?!" Jungkook tried to calm you down.

"Shhh! It's okay! It was dropped on us this morning, no one knew. Just be thankful we studied Maths last night.

"THANKFUL?! THANKFUL?! WHAT DO YOU MEAN THANKFUL?!" You screeched. Jungkook desperately held a finger to his lips.

You sighed and sunk into a chair, hiding your face in your hands. "You'll do GREAT!" Jungkook told you. You looked over at him and gave him a look.

"Not helping?" He asked. You rolled your eyes and shook your head at him. "Oh..." he said. "Uhm..." he leaned over and kissed your cheek. You blushed.

"A good luck kiss. Now you'll DEFINITELY do great!" He told you. You blushed.

Other students began to file into the room and Jungkook looked towards his desk.

When the teacher came in and began to hand out tests, all of the students groaned.

"Okay, you will have both periods to complete the test. You may start... now." You all turned over the test and began on it, your hands shaking so bad that you could barely write. You took a calming breath and steadied yourself.

What would Lian na do? Wait... no. Never mind... she has anxiety, she would freak out. Bad idea. Bad idea.

You focussed as well as you could on your test paper.

You saw someone stand up and hand theirs in. Shoot... already? How long had it been? You looked up at the boosts and your eyes widened 45 minutes?! Freaking out, you looked back towards the test and focused.

Just when you had finished, the bell rang.

"Okay, everyone. Finished or not, you must hand in your tests now." The teacher called to the class. You stood up and walked to the front, handing your teacher the test. She took it wordlessly and you walked back to your desk to wait for Jungkook, who was also handing in his test.

"That was a tough one." He said, walking back over to you. You nodded in agreement.


"So how do you two think that you went?" I asked Jungkook.

"Terrible. I tried to remember what Eochi had taught me last night, I really did but... everything about gradients and Y intercepts and finding the equation of X just flew out of my head at the last minute like... why?"

I sighed. "At least you remembered the terminology this time. That's more than any of us could teach you.

"Maybe Lian na could tutor you? And you said Eochi was struggling as well? Lian na's really good at tutoring. She does it all the time for students in our class and they come out with almost perfect marks. Maybe she could help you as well?" I suggested.

Jungkook looked up, slightly hopeful. "Would she be able to? Like would she have time?" I asked him. Jimin nodded.

"Well yeah... she does have a few tutoring sessions at the moment though and, of course, dates with moi. But if you ask her she could see when she can fit you into her schedule next."
I told him. Jungkook nodded.

"Well Lian na is really close to Eochi too so I think that could work. I'll ask her when I next see her." Jungkook told me.

I walked up to Eochi and asked her how the test went. As soon as I saw her face though, I knew it was bad news.

"Horrible! It went terrible!" She whined.

"Tell me about it." I said gently, hugging her. I needed to understand the situation before I could help in any way.

"Well... I like... failed I think... I forget everything I studied with Jungkook last night! And we studies for HOURS! It's like I knew it all, looked down at the page, and then everything just flew out of my mind! Like... why did they have to drop it on us at the last minute?!"

Oh... I see... "well, let's walk through this. It seems like a lot if you list it all like that, but let's break each problem down so that we can find the core problem in this situation, okay?" She nodded.

"That test, I did it too. It counts for only 5% of your mark, so with the failing thing, I highly doubt that. Second, forgetting stuff on a test? I do that all the time. All I can say is that next time, evaluate what you have learnt. Think about it. That's why you should do a small revision at the end of each week so that you know what you've learnt. This revision will help remind you exactly what classes you have and the homework for each of those classes so that you don't forget. Lastly, they drop tests on you like that to prevent people from cheating. It helps a lot as no one has time to prepare cheat sheets that are not allowed." I told her calmly.

Y/N seemed to be processing what I had just said for a while. Then she nodded, smiling. "Thanks, Lian na, that makes me feel a heap better!" I smiled, happy to help her.

You knew Lian na did tutoring, but now you could see WHY she did that. She was actually really good. Now you could understand why the people she tutors start from the bottom and come out on top.

You saw Jungkook and the others and pointed towards them. "Let's go!" You shout, pulling Lian na along with you.

When you both reached them, you all greeted each other and Lian na sat down next to Jimin and you, on your other side was Jungkook.

"Hey Lian na." Jimin said, kissing the top of her nose and she blushed.

"Hi Jiminie." She said, hugging him. It was way too wasy to make Lian na blush.

"So Jungkook has a question for you." Jimin said. You all turned to Jungkook.

"Uhm... I was wondering when you had a gap in your schedule to maybe tutor me? And Eochi, if she wants too..." He said, squeezing your hand.

"Oh could you?" You asked Lian na. She took out her planner and flipped through the pages, deep in thought.

"I have a gap on Wednesday from 5:00
Until 7:00 next week if you want to take up then. Normally I'll have 8:00 to 10:00 to study myself, and I always take an hour break to cool off and not overwork myself. Does that suit you two?" She asked.

"It suits me. Eochi?" Jungkook asked. You nodded.

"I don't have anything in the week so that suits me fine.

"I'll talk to my teachers if you want every Wednesday, and then I can preserve that for you?" She asked.

You both nodded, happy.

————————————————————————————————————————AUTHOR'S NOTE: I do my best to update this story regularly. I really hope that you guys like it... and I decided to stop here because I had gone over 1,000 words and I don't want to make the chapters TOO long for you guys...

Anyways, quick question: should I write a Jimin ff as well? If so, what type? I've got a basic idea for it, I just want to know if you guys think I should or not.

If you are still here, than thank you sosososoososo much!!! I love you all 💖 ————————————————————————————————————————

If you are still here, than thank you sosososoososo much!!! I love you all 💖 ————————————————————————————————————————

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