Self Prescribed

14 5 0

The drooling lifetimes flutter

Amiss as a yearning millisecond,
I feel as though I should be enjoying

This assemblage - the booze, the

Haphazard clouds of hemp, the

Skimpy outfits, the distractions,

The gossip. The highlight of a

Collegiate, young adult hive mind.

I feel significantly distant, a slither

Of my pie chart psyche pleads to be

In the mob mind of an 'in crowd',

Lackluster, the striving athlete

Picks for straws, in any attempt of

Speaking out, speaking up in

Remembrance for a malnourished

Opinion. Arrogance, ignorance,

Intolerance, three flagrantly sour

Obscurities sketch away at my

Nostrils, poking away societal

Imperfections, the timeless

Beauty, poignancy in numbers

Of attempted conformity.
So, I return, the cowardice, in a

Campus revolving around innocence

Laced with fentanyl. Just having a

Little fun. Trying something different.

Life is about experiences.
I lie on the kitchen floor, whilst

Friends of mine tweak in the opposing

Room. I pity myself. I'm so pitiful.

I ease my way to the pantry,

Picking away at unresolved mental

Scabs that have glistened over in

Corn flakes, as a head rash, a stifling

Vibrant itchiness.

What could go wrong? It's only one.

We'll try a minimal, if it ends up

Being regrettable, I can just ask the

Holy Spirit for solemn forgiveness,
And to probe my mind of tonight.
I would not have meant
It to be any other way.
I stammer to the corridor doorway,

Leading to closeted beds, where

Reverberated squeaking and moans

Are rambling in an effort of competing

Dominance. I'm so pitiful. I pity myself.
You're conniving in the way you think

Of others. It's only a cheap thrill, nothing

To harm, of ill intent.
The ceiling appears as a rising summit,

A prism-like all-seeing vertex.
Visually bloodshot, I involuntarily

Fall fetal, streams pillowing down my

Facial creases, deterred pipeways

Causing additional pressure on my sinuses,

I'm a catastrophic, mach twelve million on

The Feeling Displaced scalar meter.
Everybody downplays the explosive

Indie trap blaring endlessly and notice

My blazed away sight, glancing at a

Bare wall, continuing to sip on an

Undocumented solo cup.
The most medicinal high of all, is

Living amidst your own mind, belittled

To yourself, unrequested by those around

You. Life in short, feels like a draft wind,

Shivering your limbs, as your soul is

On fire, gasping as its flames are being

Put out.
Gaining enough strength through the

Tribulations, I unbeknowingly step out

Of the rambunctious party. 

Shuttle Bus 17: A Poetry CollectionWhere stories live. Discover now