(cont'd) 6 Months

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August POV:

Me and Honey was shocked at the person that walked out of Trin's apartment! My mf brother Chris! Well Honey was more hurt than shocked! She started going tf off and then Trin started going off! I dapped Chris up and pushed Honey in the house! Then you wouldn't fucking believe who came out the room!

Cheyenne: Honey whats goi-August!

She looked at me like she seen a ghost!

Me: Khai go in your room!

Cheyenne: Aug-August what are you doing here?

I completely lost it and picked her up by her neck and started slamming her head against the wall! Not too hard but you understand! She started screaming how she couldn't breath and Honey came tryna get me too let her go! I dropped her and went too get Khai!

Cheyenné: *coughing* August let me explain!

Me: Man fuck you and yo excuses!

I grabbed the babies because they were crying!

Cheyenne: August!!

I kept walking and she kept calling my name! Man fuck her, Trin and Honey! They fake af! They knew and aint say shit too me for 6 months straight! Me and my kids will be fine without them!

I drove home mad as hell! I got the girls and Khai out the car and took them in the house! I gave all of them a bath and then I took a 30 minute shower! I was so mf livid Cheyenné got me fucked up!

Khai: Auggie you okay?

Me: *smiles* Yeah I'm okay!

Khai: Auggie why hasn't mommy come visit us?

Me: I really don't know Khai!

Khai: I miss her..alot!

Me: *sighs* Me too Khai!

Khai: Do you think we can go see her tomorrow?

Me: I'll see!

Khai: Okay!


Khai: Auggie?

Me: Hmm?

Khai: Can we get pizza please!

Me: *laughs* Yeah what kind?

Khai: Pinenapple (Pineapple) & Peppernoni (Pepperoni)

Me: *laughs* Okay!

Khai: Auggie why you keep laughing?

Me: Because you're so funny and cute!

Khai: *laughs* You right!

Me: *laughs* Khai you're too much!

The pizza came and we ate! Well me & Khai ate and the girls had that nasty ass gerber food peas and carrots!

Khai: Let's make brownies!

Me: I don't know how!

Khai: I'll teach you!

Me: Okay!

We went downstairs and got everything that we needed for brownies she did everything and I watched! I put them in the oven and we went too watch TV until they were done!

30 minutes later

The brownies were done and I cut them I had 3 and she had 2 surprisingly they was good!

Me: Who taught you how too make brownies?

Khai: Mommy! We make them all the time!  

The doorbell rang and I went too open it! Cheyenne,Trin and Honey were standing outside! I let them in! I sat back down on the couch wit the girls!

Khai: Mommy!!!

Cheyenne: Hi baby!

Khai: I miss you!

Cheyenne: I missed you too baby!!

Khai: Why you leave me and my sitters?

Cheyenne: Mommy had some things too handle but I'll be back later! Okay!

Khai: Okay!

Me: No you not!

Cheyenne: Umm..Khai go upstairs so I can talk too August! And take Honey with you!

Khai: Okay come on Honey!!

Honey: Huh? How yall just gon volunteer my assistance! Here I come Khai!

Cheyenne sat down & picked Autumn up since I had Aubree!

Cheyenne: Um..August look I wanna say I'm sorry for leaving you and the kids for so long its just that I wanted you too stop smoking while the kids were here and I wanted you too see how it felt too be in my shoes taking care of 3 kids!

Me: Cheyenne thats a lame ass excuse! You dont leave nobody for 6 fuckin months because you want them too stop smoking! foh! You wanted me too stop smoking but you gon put more stress on me too take care of 3 kids by myself and one of them weren't even mine!! But I still took care of her like she was & yo friends aint shit either because everytime they brought they bald headed asses over here they acted as if they aint know where you was I should've known something was up when I first seen you at the go karts but its good Cheyenne you can stay gone me or my kids don't need you! They dont even know who you are! Like wtf 6 MONTHS ARE YOU SERIOUS?!! and you missed your daughter birthday party! Ion fuck wit nun of yall no more! If you wanna take Khai you can because I cant say too much because she's not my child but as far as the twins you can visit when ever you like but I'm done! I loved you with my everything and you pull some shit like this!

Cheyenne:: *crying* August I'm sorry!!

Me: Cheyennw please just go!

I sat Aubree down and August next too her I called Honey & them and walked them too the door! It was pouring raining outside this weird ass weather! I gave her her things she kissed the twins and Khai goodbye!

Cheyenne: August I'm so-

*slams the door*

Me: FUCK!!

Cheyenne POV:

Me: *crying* He dont love me no more!!

Honey: Its okay boo!

Me: *crying* Please take me home!





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