16. A HICKEY!!

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Hi everyone out there!!
Here is the next chapie!!
I dedicate this chapie to my friend NeetuDeepthi9 who voted first on the previous chapie❤

Praveen's POV:

Though I'm happy about Sowmya's disappearance, I could not see the sadness in chinnu. So I searched for her and contacted all the ones close to her. No one had a clue where she was.

I'm shocked to know that Katherine agreed to marry Surya.
I remember speaking to her that night..

" Why're gou doing this Katherine ?" I asked.

" I'm doing it for a reason Praveen. I need money to continue my plans of building an orphan home." She said.

I could see lot of emotions including fear in her eyes.

" I can provide you with how much ever you want, for God's sake" I said in an irritated voice.

" moreover I can't give my body to someone else except your brother because I lost my virtue to him. I'm also trying to stop him from ruining a girl's life. I'm trying to be balipasuvu. He wants his wife just for sex but nothing else, I can do that.i want to save him from the people's clutches tomorrow. Moreover I'm able to see some goodness remaining in him." She said it in a go.

"What!!" I gasped. I tried processing what I heard.
I seriously didn't expect this part of information. Is Surya her boss? Is she working at the Hilwins and Co.? Is that why Raj spoke with her as if he knew her from before? She's too good, she can see the goodness which my brother is trying to hide from the world. But asking those money for agreeing to marry him looked like she meant it on another motive.

" Surya's misunderstanding you Katherine " I said hoping that she'll clear the misunderstanding.

" I know, he's angry now. Maybe he'll understand later. I don't mind even if he didn't also." She said as if she knew my brother very well.

" I thought of marrying you to a good person in good conditions unlike this" I told her sadly. I took her as my responsibility that day when I visited Kevin.

" As I said I can't marry anyone else except Surya. Thanks for always being there for me Romeo. You're always my well wisher." She said firmly.

" Can i do anything to change your mind sweetheart? " I tried once again hoping that she'll pull herself out of this. Not that my brother is a bad one but he's in bad circumstances now.

" no", she said firmly once again.

I sighed defeatedly

"I wanted to know one more thing"She asked. " Are you stopping me because I'm unfit for your brother?" She asked.

" What! No! You're perfect, he's also an awesome man. Many things happened and those made him look like this,but right now he's not in a good condition. I'm worrying that he'll hurt you." He said.

" Dont worry I've seen much worse before, my life was hell until you and your brother helped me. There is nothing left to make my life worse" She said and turned to the other side.

I realised that she's not backing out, but I should tell Surya that she's not bad.

But Surya being himself didn't listen to me once.

I had to leave today, dad asked me where i was staying. I told him that I'm staying at a friend's house. He asked me to be in the office by tomorrow morning.

Yesterday night was one of the best nights of my life.
Just like in my childhood, I felt happy. I may be big now but I'll always feel secured if I'm with Surya. He's my superman. Katherine always does what's good for me.

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