MK pov

She just ran scared like. That does sound like my sister at all. I tried to follow her but I forgot she used to be a track and field star and won 1st place in the nationals. It was starting to get dark to the point I couldn't see a thing. I just hoped Ronin.... wait ! Ronin can help her find her way! Where is Nod!? Nod!!!!!!!

~Ronin pov
She ran out of the house like a frightened mouse. It took all I had just to hold onto her shoulder. When she finally stopped running she was out of breath and to the point of tears. I spoke to her trying not to startle her but I did anyway. That is when she passed out into the forest floor. I was panicking trying to figure out what to do until the Queen came. When she arrived I took a knee to show respect to her. That's when she then notice sidera on the forest floor near the pond. She placed a kiss onto her head and that's when a golden bright light engulfed her and turned her into my size.

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