~Ronin POV
A few hours has past since I left her that note. I decided to head back from the southwest of the forest. That place is a desolate wasteland where nothing can grow. There is a new villain coming to destroy Moonheaven and the queen. I need to warn everyone about it. I was on my way back to Moonheaven when I started to think about Sidera. MK must be worried about her. After all they are sisters. I decided to stop by the camera to let her know that she is safe at Moonheaven. While I was talking to MK I saw Nod try to get her on a humming bird and she was not having it. I wouldn't want to ride with him either. I looked back to the camera and saw relief wash over her face when I gave her the news. "I'm so glad she is alright! She made dad and I worry sick ! Does she not know how worry we were!? I'm going to ... Ronin are you ok? You look distant." I looked to her and shook my head no. " I'm fine MK ." I see the look of 'sure you are fine' and shrugged. I told her I would let her know if anything changes in her behavior or something bad happens . I saw her perched up on a giant humming bird. Nod looks excited . Oh no...please don't tell me he is going to take her to the brid racing! She does not know how to ride a bird yet !!! I saddle up on my brid and let them get a good distance between me and them and took off.


Why did i agree to do this again?! I was holding on to dear life to my humming bird. "This is not what I signed up for Nod !!!!! Nod do you hear me!!?!" Nod just laughs at me. After a good bit of flying we arrived at the bird races. I kept getting the feeling that someone was stalking me. I turned around and saw nothing so I shook the feeling off and followed Nod to the stands. I got to my seat to see that Nod was not even here ! I started to panic . That's when I heard Nod. " I'm racing Sidera calm down!" I look over to the starting line where he was at. I shook my head and began the count down like everyone else.

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