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"What are you planning?" Teo look up at his friend malik and smirk at the way he cross his arms standing in front of him.

"What do you mean?" Teo's smirk grew into a wide grin

"You know what I mean,ever since you saw that boy yesterday you have been smirking and staring out of space,clearly you're planning something."

Malik sat in front of Teo before taking the lighter off the coffee table and lighting his blunt.He knew his 'brother' too well.He also knows its not the last time he's gonna see the little coffee boy.Once either of fhe boys took a interest in someone they go after them.

"Not planning anything I swear."

Malik roll his eyes "Yeah right." Teo clicked his tongue and stood

"Let's get coffee."

"I knew it."Malik laugh and stood,following his friend.

They got in Teo's car and drove off....waiting for the automated gate to open.They drove in silence into the city and parked in the small parking lot that the café had. Malik got out first to whistle at a woman walking to her car.Teo rolled his eyes at him and laugh.

"You do see she got kids in the car right?"

"Oh shit."

Malik held his head down and walked beside Teo.

They entered the café together.Malik going to actually order something to eat while Teo just stood in the middle looking around for the small boy with the bleached blonde hair.His jaw clenched when he didn't see him.He decided to find malik instead.

"You see him?"Malik ask handing a coffee to his brother

"No."Teo sighed taking a sip if his coffee

"Awww lil Moy heartbroken."Malik teased earning a push from Teo

"Not heartbroken...just disappointed."

"Maybe we're too early."Malik shrug

As they made it to the door Teo's eyes lit up at the person struggling to open it.He grabbed the handle and pulled the door open and malik held it in place.Lila gasped surprised by the sudden action,he didn't see them on the other side.

They were too early as malik said

"S-sorry." lila blush realizing it was the same men from yesterday,the same one that called him beautiful

Teo smirk before stepping to the boy causing him to back out of the place.Lila look down and held his bag straps tightly.

"Hi lila."

"H-hi Teomoy." Lila stuttered and blushed. He was surprise to see the stranger talking to him again but was also glad he was.

If Lila didn't remember any other customer's name he made sure Teo's name was stuck in his head and on the tip of his tongue. There was something about this man that couldn't get Lila to stop thinking about him.He even had a dream about the man last night.

"Damn fifty shades of red."Malik snickered watching as Lila looked away from embarrassment and blushes harder

"Oh this is my brother Malik."

"H-hi."Lila said shyly

"Nice to meet the boy that has my brother going crazy."Malik grin and Teo rolled his eyes.

"I actually came here to see you,you ran off yesterday." Teo spoke looking at lila

Lila couldn't believe this was happening.A hot guy taking a slight interest in him.Why does he want to see me?i'm just....me

Lila look through the glass door and saw his father looking straight at him with a angry expression

"I can't talk right now I have to start working." Lila said moving off towards the door but before he could reach the door Teo grab his arm gently

"Would you like to go on a date with me then?"

Teo got straight to the point.He wasnt going to let the boy go this time.If he can't talk at work he can talk when they're alone on a date


"A date....with me?"

Teo smile and Lila couldn't help but smile too which cause Teo's to get wider

"I....i'll think about it."

He didnt actually have to think about it at all,he dont know why but he wants to say yes but how could he ask his parents to go on a date with a hot guy like Teo especially a guy that looking older than him about three years.His dad was very strict and kind of a homophobe

"I'm not taking no for an answer though."

"Okay I'll...yes." He didn't have to tell his parents he was going on a date...just going to hang out

"Great I'll pick you up at 8 tomorrow night?"

"S-sure i'll-"

Teo took the pen off the boy's shirt and wrote his number on his arm that was still in his grip.

"I'll see you tomorrow beautiful."Teo winked before letting go and walking off.

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