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Lila Richards

Lila sat with a few friends under a tree at school.He had manage to hold a solid friendship with three people.

He was now waiting for Teo to pick him up.

The teens were laughing and talking about their favorite movies and celebrity couples.

"Have you guys seen that movie bird box?"Alice the only girl in the group ask

"I have,its pretty good but its not really all that." Michael said

"Of course it is babe,it has a great ending and was well put together."Michael's boyfriend James said

"Well my favorite character died so."Michael shrug

Everyone laugh at Michael.

"How about that movie with Jennifer lopez...."

Lila saw a familiar Audi pulled into the school.He hugged his friends good bye and walked towards the parking lot.On his way he heard someone called his name.

Lila looked towards the voice and his eyes went wide when he saw his mother leaning against her car

"I've been waiting for you young man."She said with a frown

Lila didn't know what to do,he scratched the back of his head and nervously waited for his mother to reach him.

Her appearance haven't changed.Lila missed her and wanted to hug her but was afraid

"Is that lip gloss and pink blush you're wearing ?"She asked while grabbing lila's face to see

"Yes."Lila answer confidently while moving his mother's hand from his face

"Well how are you? I didnt know where to find you except for school."

"I'm okay."Lila nod

"Well its good to see you,I would have come sooner but I was giving you time to change.You know you can't come back unless you do."Mrs.Richard sighed and placed her hands on her hips.

"Three months."Lila whispered

"Excuse me?"

"THREE MONTHS!!"Lila shouted causing his mother to take a frighten step back

"You took three months to look for me,to see how I was doing?! only to tell me I can't come back home until I change?!"

"That's bullshit."Lila hiss

"Lila Richards don't use that type of language with me!I'm your mother"

"My mother,what a mother you are."Lila rolled his eyes

"I didn't want him to kick you out!"His mother shouted

"You let him!"

Teo came up behind lila and wrap his arms around him.Lila relaxed a bit while Teo glared at his mother who returned the same hateful look

"You needed to change."

"You said I should go stay at my boyfriend and you wanted me to change?"lila laughed

"You had no friends where else would you go,you're pathetic ."

"And you're disgusting."

She went to say something else but Teo pulled Lila away.The small boy was greatful for  that because he felt as if he was about to cry any minute.

Once they were on the road Lila silently cried in the passenger's seat, Teo gently rub his thigh to try and calm him down.

"Everything is okay baby,they dont deserve your tears."

"Why can't they just accept me."

Teo sighed

"How about we go get ice cream,would you like ice cream?"

"At tutti frutti?"

"Whereever you like."Teo chuckled

"Okay."Lila whispered 


Lila refused to sit on the chair and eat his ice cream,saying his boyfriend's lap was more comfortable.He giggled while Teo blew cold air on his ears.They were enjoying their time together at the ice cream place.Lila trying to get as much flavors as he could with as much toppings as he could but he and Teo knew we wasn't gonna finish it.

At some point Lila got up to go to the bathroom.Teo sat on his phone while his ice cream melt in the cup.He wasn't a big fan of ice cream but he enjoyed seeing Lila smile so he would do anything.
Teo frown when he saw someone coming up to their table.Someone he knew.

"Can I sit?"The guy ask

"I don't think-"Teo stopped when the guy was already seated beside him

Lila walked out the bathroom with a confused look on his face.He didnt know who the guy was but he didnt like the way he was looking at Teo with nothing but lust in his eyes.

"Nice to see you again babe."

"B-babe?"Lila ask taking a seat across from them and looking at Teo

"Eric I'm not your babe stop calling me that."

Lila eyed Eric up and down. Eric was a fairly attractive guy.He had pale skin with blonde hair and ocean blue eyes.Sharpe jawline and a straight nose.His eyebrows were thick and he had a lip piercing.He was skinny but also had curves.Lila found him self becoming jealous of the guy especially since he was touching Teo's shoulder

"Moy can we go?"He ask

"Alright." Teo responded quickly

Teo went to get up but the guy stop him

"But I'm talking to you I'm sure this little boy can wait."

"Little boy!I'm eighteen and also his boyfriend."Lila huff and cross his arms

"Boyfriend? I've never heard about Teomoy having a boyfriend before."Eric raised a brow

"Well I am and could you get your hands off him?"

"No I can touch him if I want,you don't own him."Eric shot back

"You're disrespecting my boyfriend Eric get up and go."

"Its not like you to defend one of your toys Teomoy,it makes you look soft what happened to the big bad drug lord."The guy smirked caressing Teo's chest.

Before Teo could get angry Lila shouted

"STOP TOUCHING MY BOYFRIEND!!!"The entire place went silent as all eyes turn to their table

Lila sunk back in his chair to avoid being embarrassed any further.

Teo grip Eric's arm making him whimper

"Go."He growl before letting for of his arm

Eric roll his eyes and got up leaving the couple

"Think I'm gonna have a headache by the time this day is done"Lila mumbled

"I'm sorry baby,let's go home.There is less drama there." Teo said.He Stood up and took Lila's hand.

When they got home they went straight to bed and cuddle.It was only 5:30 pm but they were both exhausted and wanted nothing but to lay in silence in eachother's embrace.Teo kissed Lila's forehead and held him tighter.Lila sighed and close his eyes.They both fell asleep sometime after.

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