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Teomoy Cosgrove

A couple weeks past and the boys got closer and closer ever minutes they spent together.There was no doubt in Lila's mind,he did like the older male as well. They went on dates every now and then.Teo buying gifts for Lila who didnt even ask for anything but still accept the sweet gestures.He liked Teo and Teo's friends even though he did not know much only Malik and Dwayne.Malik constantly teasing the 'couple' and also get hit by Teo every time.Lila found it amusing that they have such a brotherly yet enemy like relationship.

There were times when Lila will go into work but other times  he would have excuses to be with Teo.

"Would you like to attend a game with me tonight?" Teo ask lila.

He had brought Lila to the pet shop Malik work at and the boy was going crazy over every animal.

Lila didn't stutter around Teo as he did before,he still blushes but he isn't as shy again.

"A football game?"Lila asked and Teo nod

"Yes!"He was excited,he had never went to a sporting event and he was glad his first time would be with Teo


When Lila got home that night he ate dinner and helped his mom clean up afterwards.When going up the stairs he spoke.

"Mom,dad I'm going out tonight."

"No you're not."He Heard his father said.Lila stopped and turn to his parents.

"Why not?"He ask

"You've been going out too much why don't you study for once."

His father said standing from his chair and making his way over to Lila by the stairs

"I study everyday!"Lila shouted getting angry

"Not good enough,and do not shout at me Lila Richard!"His father shouted back

"Don't shout at me either."Lila shouted and cross his arms

"I can shout if I want to!."

His father shouted back.While they continued to shout Mrs.Richards never once looked at them and tried to block out their noises with the tv.

"I can shout too then!!"

"You can not."

"Whatever."Lila mumbled and stomped  up the stairs to his room

Lila was tired of this dad telling him what to do.He hated that he was kept as a prisoner and not because they wanted him safe but because his father wanted him for being focused on work and business activities.Lila was even angrier because he wanted to attend the game.

Lila texted Teo telling him he couldn't make it because of his father and the older male understood.
But just as his father said Lila took out his text books and started his revision.

Later he move from studying to folding his clothes to watching videos on youtube.While watching 'unsolve stories' his phone vibrated beside him.

Can you come outside?

It read

Lila got up and ran to his window,sure enough Teo's car was parked outside under a tree.He smiled before he made his way out his bedroom door.

He knew his parents were asleep by now.They always go to bed by 9:00  but he still had to be quiet.He slipped on his nike slides and opened the front door.He walked to the passenger side of the vehicle

"What are you doing here?"He smiled at Teo and the boy returned it

"Well you couldn't make it and I have something for you."

"But you're missing the game right now."Lila pout but Teo shook his head

"I'm with you so it doesn't matter."

Lila blushed and looked out the window.

Teo reached into the back seat and got the gift before handing it to Lila.

Lila gasped and giggled,hugging Teo as much as he could with the gift in his way.

"How did you know I love these chocolates".

"Baby you told me." Teo tapped him on his nose

"Well thank you for this and everything else you have given to me."

"My pleasure sweetheart." Teo brush the boy's hair from his face

"So we've been spending time together for the past month and a week and I really fucking like you.You are so genuine and sweet and BEAUTIFUL!! and I love everything about you and I wouldn't want to let you go anytime soon and I hope you feel the same way about me. So will you officially be my lover?" Teo asked a little nervous.

Lila blinked away the tears  and smiled.No one have ever said anything like that to him and he was overwhelmed by it all.He wouldn't want you let the boy go either .

"Yes,yes of course."Lila bounced in his seat and Teo laughed.

Both boys were happy.

Lila looked to his house and saw he left his front door wide open

" I have to go."Lika whispered

Before Lila could exit the car Teo gently gripped the boy's chin to turn his face.Lila didn't have time to question him or even look at him before Teo's soft warm lips were pressed to his.Lila's eyes widen in shock before he closed them.This was his first kiss and he didn't know what to do nevertheless his mind was a explosion of fireworks.His heart was beating rapidly in his chest,his hands were shaking but out of excitement since his first kiss was from a hot boy who he could now call his boyfriend.

Teo firmly grip Lila's jaw to open the boy's mouth then he slipped his tongue in.Their tongue came in contact and Lila lost it.He moan shamelessly, one hand leaving the gift to hold on to Teo's shirt pulling him closer.Teo smirked at that and started moving the lips together.He took over the kiss exploring the smaller boy's mouth causing him to move in his seat and moan again.They kissed for about two minutes both craving the other's taste and touch.

Teo broke the kiss first and caressed lila's right cheek smiling brightly at the small boy.He ran his thumb over Lila's pink swollen lips before whispering.

"I'll see you tomorrow princess."

Lila blushed and looked away.

"G-good night."


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