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Lila smile when he felt soft lips on his.He slowly open his eyes and push Teo away from him while giggling.

"Good morning princess happy birthday."Teo said and kiss lila's cheek.

"Thank you ."Lila giggled again

"Come on let's go downstairs "Teo smile taking his boyfriend's hand and leading to pull him out of bed gently

He led Lila down the stairs .Lila smiled at the balloons and flowers on the small table in the corner.Teo pulled out a chair for Lila then went and got a tray filled with food.

"Thank you babe this is so cute."Lila blushed and pulled Teo down by the string of his sweater to kiss him.

"You're welcome ."

They ate together and face time Lila's parents.Teo then left to go open the door while Lila said good bye to his parents.

"Baby could you come here for a minute ."Teo called out

Lila got up and went into the living room where he saw Teo and Malik.

"Happy birthday Lila."Malik grin and hugs Lila who hugged him back and smiled.

"Thank you Malik."

"We got you something."Teo said.

He took a box off the couch and told Lila to sit.He gently place the box in Lila's lap and told him to open it.

Lila opened the box and gasped

"A kitty!?" He squeal.He gently took the small animal out the box and held him on his chest.

"He's so cute oh my gosh guys thank you."Lila said,a few tears falling down his cheeks as he pet the cat.

"I'm going to name him kat."

"You're naming the kitty Kat?"Teo laugh

"Yes,did he come from your pet store Malik?"

"Sure did,Teo claimed his a month ago."

"He's so cute."

"Well Malik is going to watch him for a day or two because we are going out for your birthday."Teo smiled and sat beside Lila

"Really?! To where."

"Not gonna say but but you do have a lot more gifts to receive."

"I love and appreciate you so much Teomoy."Lila whispered.

"I love you too Lila."Teo kissed his forehead.

Lila smiled and continue to pet his cat who was now sound asleep in his arms.

Its 9:30 am and he could tell his 19th birthday is going to be a one to remember.

Its 9:30 am and he could tell his 19th birthday is going to be a one to remember

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