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"Baby?"Teo called from the doorway

"Baby!"He said a little louder for Lila to hear but the boy sat still with his eyes glued to the page he was reading.
Teo walked over and shook his shoulders.


"Yeah?" Lila answered a little frighten

"You've been sitting here for three hours why dont you take a break."Teo said giving his boyfriend's shoulders a little massage

"I ate some snacks I'm fine." Lila replied.He close his eyes and sigh.Teo was definitely doing a good job with his shoulders.

"Come on the test is in next week you studied enough for today."

"Okay wanna watch a movie?"Lila ask

"How about we go to the beach."

"Beach?"Lila turned and looked up at him

"Yes you dont like the beach?"

"Umm i've never......"

"Never been to the beach?"

"No my parents...  I guess they didnt have time for things like that."Lila shrug

"Well we're going,go change I'll get everything else." Teo kiss his cheek and walked away.Lila smiled before getting up and going back to their room to get change.

They stop at a fast food restaurant to get some meals to bring with them.They drove downtown towards the beach,Lila enjoying the breeze coming into the car and the songs playing in the headphones.

Teo found a parking spot in no time.They got the things out the car and walked the sidewalk to the entrance .Lila liked the smell of the salty water,fresh air and the sounds of the waves.He had a big smile on his face and Teo just enjoyed seeing it.

There wasn't alot of people at the beach considering it was a thursday and 3:00 pm in the afternoon.

They set up a picnic near some rocks before  walking towards the water.
Teo stopped a few feet away from the waves while Lila continued to walk.He admired the  blue water and the way it moved,waves crashing into each other creating splashes.When the water touched Lila's feet he giggled and ran back into Teo's arms.The guy laughed at how silly his boyfriend was being.

Teo led him to the water and they both stood and waited for another wave which did not take long

"I-its cold."Lila whispered smiling when the water touch them

"Yes it is."

Teo held his boyfriend's waist and brought him further into the water.

When the water past Lila's waist Teo lift him up and wrapped his legs around him.Lila use one hand to hold on to Teo while the Other played with the water.

"Don't drown me."

"I wont babe."Teo laugh and Lila giggled.

Lila was glad he took a break from studying .


"M-moy?" Lila spoke as he entered their basement


Lila took a frighten step back.He was shock that Teo shouted at him.He around the room and saw it was a mess before looking back at Teo.His eyes were bloodshot,he had a glass in one hand filled with some kind of drink.He was sweating and shaking.

"Ummm are you okay?"Lila asked not moving from where he was

"God you're so annoying leave me alone!"Teo stood up and walk towards a table.He opened a bottle of pills before pouring some into his hand

"C-can you n-not take that?"

"Listen slut leave me alone why can't you go back to that fucked up family of yours!" Teo said while storming towards Lila

"No I...I don't want to,I want to stay."

"I don't want you here bitch." Teo said.He tried to walk past Lila but Lila  blocked his path

"No don't leave me."


Lila saw Teo's hand lift into the air ready to hit him.Lila shut his eyes and screamed

Lila started kicking and whimpering in the bed.He let out a high pitch scream while holding his cheek.Teo came running from downstairs and into their bedroom after he heard the scream.He saw Lila about to fall off the bed.He ran over and caught him just in time.He lift him on the bed and tried to control his boyfriend's rapid movements but only receive a kick to his ribs.He groans but paid little attention to it.He held Lila and shook him


Teo continued to shake Lila but the boy was still dreaming and crying while repeating the same words.

"Wake up baby please wake up!"

Teo knew he was having a nightmare.Lila had a nightmare before when he was alone in the huge bed.The first time was when  Teo wasn't home,he was alone in bed and had a nightmare about his parents. This time Teo was downstairs watching a late football game.

"Stop hitting me!!stop!"

"Just wake up please baby."

Teo spot lila's water bottle on the night stand .He opened it and pour the water on Lila's face.Lila gasp and opened his eyes,breathing heavily.He took a second to notice his surrounding before he grip Teo's T-shirt while he cried.

Teo rocked them from side to side and caress Lila's hair.

"Its okay babe,you're alright."

"I'm not a slut."Lila whispered

"No you're not baby."

"Please don't hit me."

"Lila I would never,who-wanna talk about it?"

Lila shook his head no and let out a whimper

"Okay okay we dont have to but everything is alright now you're safe with me and i wont hurt you."

"I know."

Teo nod and threw the blanket over them.Lila snuggled closer to him as if his life was in Teo's hands,as if he was nothing without the older guy.



"I wanna stay with you."

Teo kiss his forehead before replying .

"Baby boy you're not going nowhere."

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