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"Come take pictures with me."Lila pout.He had his phone in his hand sitting on the bed.

"Your phone is filled with pictures of us baby."Teo said taking off his shirt to head to the shower.

"I want a new wallpaper."Lila said.Teo smiled and walked over to him he climbed on the bed and brought lila into his lap to let the boy do what he wanted.

Lila took a total of fifty five photos before finally letting Teo shower.They were heading out to eat with their friends tonight.

As Lila organize his gallery a message popped up on the top of the screen.


Lila gasp at the name and hesitation before tapping the small box .

Come to my office tomorrow

It read.Lila bit his lip and stared at the message . He decided to leave it and wait for Teo.He got up and put on his clothes before turning on the tv and skip through the channels.

Teo came out the bathroom half and hour later and Lil rolled his eyes.

"My dad wants me at his office tomorrow."

"To do what?"Teo ask sitting beside Lila

"Talk I guess,I dont know."

"How do you feel?"

"I want to go but I'm scared,I miss him and I dont know."

"Don't worry he can't hurt you when I'm there."

"You're coming?"Lila ask standing up.He was hoping Teo would say yes.

"Not in the office but I'll be around,he wants to talk to you in private."

"Okay I guess ."

Teo and Lila met Malik and Dwayne at the restaurant.They were all talking and laughing since all of them had a evenful day especially Malik since he got peed on by a small dog at the pet store.

Dwayne noticed a guy at a table beside theirs was staring at Lila with a frown on his face.

"My guy, you straight?"Dwayne glared at him

They all look in the direction to see who Dwayne was talking to.

"Just looking at the little white kid there,He's eating so much."

Lila frown and look down at his two plate.Indeed they were filled with food but he loved seafood too much to not have everything on the menu.

"Okay so?"Teo hissed

"If he continue on that path he's gonna be too big for his own good."

"Why don't you fuck off he can eat whatever he want."

"Does your parents know you're out here with three black guys? looks suspicious to me"

Teo slammed his hands on the table which caught the entire restaurant attention.He got up and grabbed the guy by his shirt.

"Listen you fucking shit get the fuck out before I break every bone in your body ,leave people business alone ."

Teo push the guy down and went back to his seat.He glared at the guy as he ran out the restaurant.

"Everything is good." Teo smile.He squeeze Lila's thigh under the table

"Don't start thinking you're gonna get fat,you barely eat at home baby."

"You dont mind?"

"Of course I don't ."

Lila smile and nod.


"Hi."Lila whispered as he entered his father's office .He saw both his mother and father sitting at the desk.

"Hi Lila have a seat."

Lila sat in the couch in the corner of the room.He had his hands in his lap waiting for them to say something else.He was glad Teo was right outside the door .

"I haven't seen you in a long time...too long considering we're still in the same city."His father said

"Yeah."Lila whispered

"I dont know how to start off but,I want my son back."His dad said and his mom nod

"I know I've been hard on you,not letting you go out,not letting you watch TV for too long and all the other strict things I did and I'm sorry for that.I'm mostly sorry for putting you on the street.I didn't think it though the first thing that came to my mind is how people are gonna look at me knowing I have a gay son.I was more worried about that than you.I've missed out on so much and you're my only child."

"I....I want you guys to be apart of my life you're my parents but I want you to accept me and my boyfriend."

"We can do that,we can make it work ."His mom said


They both got up and so did Lila.They hugged him tightly and he returned it

"What's his name?"His dad asked as they all sat down on the couch

"Teomoy."Lila smile

"I would like to meet him."

Lila grin and ran to the door,he opened it and ran down the hall before coming back with Teo.

"Mom,dad this is Teomoy,Teo these are my parents."

His dad held his hand out to Teo who took it without hesitation.

"Nice to meet you the proper way Teo."

"Same goes for you sir."

"How about we all go out for lunch." Mrs.Richard suggest

Lila held Teo's hand as they walked out the office with his parents behind.His life was finally perfect.

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