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Lila had texted Teo in the morning but he did not get a reply.He just had to hope the guy stop by the Café soon.

He was nervous when walking into school with pink shiny lips and eyelashes coated with mascara but
Surprisedly he didn't get any harsh looks or negative comments.The few friends he had complimented him and even ask questions like

Where did you buy it?
Are you gay?
You have a boyfriend?
What brand is that?
Is your lip gloss scented?

And more in which he answered to all politely.Some guys were even flirting with him and that opened Lila eyes to the amount of same sex couples and single homosexuals in his school.


Lila was about to pull the door to his father's cafe when he spotted a familiar blue Audi. He stopped and turned his attention to the road as the car passed.He looked closely and saw Teo along with Malik in the front seat and a guy in the back.They didn't see him though.They didn't even look in the direction of the shop.Their expressions were more focus and steady on the road as if they all were in deep thoughts.

The car turned at the stop light and down a narrow street.Lila knew their was a dead end somewhere along the street and mostly wholesale shops and also a abondoned buildings.

Lila looked through the glass windows of the cafe making sure his father or any other employees did not see him.He quickly walked to the pedestrian cross and waited impatiently for the stop light to turn red.

Lila walked the street a little scared but also curious.He saw Teo's car parked under a tree but no one was in there.Lila went to try the door but stop,thinking of a alarm going off.He looked Around but there were no sign of the men.

Should I leave?

Lila thought.He shook his head and looked around some more.If Teo was in trouble he wanted to help not that he could do anything.

A faint sound of a car trunk shutting caught Lila's attention and he looked towards the abondanded building where the sound came from.He hesitated before moving towards the entrance of the building that once had doors and windows

Lila saw about seven guys at the far end of the building.Teo,malik and the guy he saw in the car and in front of them were four guys.
They were standing as if an invisible line was at their feet that none of them dare to cross.

The first person to spot Lila as he walked to them was a white man who looks about in his late Thirty's.His hands were shaking and his head twitch every five seconds while a sinister smirk played on his lips.

Lila look at Teo hoping he would see him before anyone else did.When he saw no one else was looking but the guy he stopped walking.

"Who's the twink?" The guy mumbled

Teo looked up at the guy confuse before everyone turn to look towards where the guy was looking.Teo glared at the guy before threatening to kill him in a low voice so Lila couldn't hear.He excused himself and walk over to Lila.Lila kicked a few stones on the ground waiting for Teo to reach him.The first thing Teo notice was how full his eyeslashes look because the boy was looking down.He gently placed his hand on Lila's chin and lift the boy's head.He bit the inside of his cheek to hold back any sexual noise that threatened to leave his lips.Lila looked sexy in lip gloss and no one could say otherwise.

"W-what are you doing?" Lila ask looking over at the guy who smirked at him.Teo stepped to the side to block Lila's view

"Nothing,what are you doing here?"

"I followed you,i wanted to talk to you but you're busy."Lila sighed

"No not really,just give me five minutes and I'll get to you okay?"

"Kk."Lila whispered.

He watch Teo walk back over to the men.The guy that was in the back seat of Teo's car stepped to the front and handed one tall guy a duffle bag.Another one stepoed uo and gave Malik a small bag.It all confused lila as to what they were doing but he didn't want to look into it any longer so he took the time to look around the creepy old building. He let out a relief sigh when he saw Teo returning .

Malik greeted him and the boy smiled and wave.Teo introduced Lila to his other friend Dwayne and they all got in Teo's car,Lila sitting in the front passenger seat.

Teo left Malik and Dwayne at a mall after Malik told them a story about how he accidentally bleached all his T-shirts.

Both boys were silent as they drove to a destination Teo had in mind.Lila just sat playing with his fingers and the bells on his school bag.Teo stopped at a small ice cream shop and just like on their date he opened the door for Lila and held the boy's hand.He smirk when he saw the younger boy blush.

Teo ordered for them and they sat in one of the booths in the back of the place.Lila hummed at the taste of his chocolate ice cream which cause Teo to chuckle.

"So what did you want to talk about?"

Lila looked down and started playing with the icing on top of his red velvet cake.He didnt know how to start and the way Teo was looking at him made him nervous.

"I...I um I want to see how far this can go....how far me and you....together can go."He said just above a whisper but Teo heard every word.

He smiled at the small boy who was turning red all over.

" Just..."Lila continued

"If this is a joke don't let it get too far.Tell me now."

Teo's smile fall from his lips before he took lila's small soft hand that was on the table.

"I promise you baby boy its not a joke.I like you and I want us to be a thing if you agree that is."

"Okay."Lila smiled

The two boys enjoyed their time together.They had a comfortable converstaion as if they have known each other all their lives. Teo enjoyed making the boy smile and blush and Lila couldn't get enough of Teo's breathtaking smile.


Lila was greeted by his father as soon as he open his front door.His mom right behind him.

"Why weren't you at work today?"His dad asked crossing his arms

"I-i had a project to finish at school."He lied nervously

"You could have called honey we were worried about you?"his mom said softly.It was cleared she was worried but his dad on the other hand was just upset he was short handed at work.

"I'm sorry,I'll make sure to call next time."He said with a nod

"Dinner will be ready in a bit."His mom smiled and walked away along with his dad.

Lila sighed and made his way up the stairs.

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