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Lila slowly went downstairs to the living room.He stopped about three times wanting to turn back and forget asking his parents.He sighed and walked in front of them.His mom was typing away on her laptop while his dad was watching tv. The same things they do after dinner everyday.

"Can I hang out with some friends tonight?"Lila ask

"You have friends?"His dad raised a eyebrow at him

"Yeah....a couple."Lila shrug.He wasn't lying though he did have friends not close ones but people at his school talk to him and his coworkers.

"Honey you're eighteen you don't have to ask permission to hang out with friends." His mom said and lila smile

"Um well I'm gonna hang out with some friends tonight."

His dad rolled his eyes and made a hand gesture telling Lila to go away.

"He should be studying not hanging out with friends."

"Let the boy have fun honey he's always in his room."

Lila shook his head at his parents conversation and went upstairs

He texted Teo his address and got ready.He made sure to not over dress but wore something that would be appropriate for any occasion.

Lila waited on the front porch.He didnt want his nosy parents to see Teo so as soon as he pulled up Lila got up and met him at the end of the drive way.

Teo licked his lips while looking the boy up and down.Lila looked sexy but it was best to keep it to himself.He didnt want to scare the boy.

"Hi babe,you look nice."

"You too."Lila whispered.He knew his cheeks were bright red and knew Teo could see it but Teo liked it

Teo took his small hand and lead him to the car.

Lila awwed at the blue Audi in front of him.Blue was his favorite color but this blue was just...deep and the car looked brand new.

"You done?"Teo teased and opened the door for lila.Lila blush from both embarrassment from staring and from Teo being a gentleman.He got in the car and was immediately hit with the cold air from the A/C mixed with a sweet yet manly fragrance that might be Teo's cologne.He waited for Teo to entered and they drove for about fifteen minutes in surprisingly comfortable silence.


Teo pulled out the chair for Lila who sat down and thanked the man in a small voice.A waitress came to take their orders before going away leaving the two to talk.

"Why don't you tell me a little about yourself."Teo smirk his brown eyes taking in every movement Lila did.

"Well I umm.My full name is Lila Isaiah Richards,I like the color blue and I like working at the Café .I hate loud places and crowds.I dont like smoking and drinking.I like to watch the walking dead and the good doctor.I've never liked anyone before and I've never been on a date?" It was more of a question because he didnt know why he said it.He thought Teo should know.

When Teo nod he continued

"I told my parents I was hanging out with friends....I dont know how my dad would have reacted if I said I was going on a date with a guy at that."

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