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Lila Richards

Teo slowly open his eyes and regretted  it immediately.He had a major headache and started thinking if drinking was worth the pain.

He sat up and reached for his phone to look at the time.

Suddenly the bathroom door open and a guy walked out.He was dark skin,short and skinny.His hair was curly due to gel  and had a belly button piercing.He was only wearing booty shorts which reminded Teo that he picked him up from the club last night.

"Hey...sorry I had to use the bathroom, you ok?"

"We didn't do anything right?" Teo asked ignoring the guy's question

"I gave you a blowjob....you kept saying you had a boyfriend."

"Ohh."Teo said remembering Lila

"You do have a boyfriend right?"

He didn't have a boyfriend but he wanted Lila.There was something about him that even though they weren't together he didn't feel comfortable sleeping with other people....as sexy and hot as they were.

"I dont know,hey um I have school can I drop you off somewhere?"

"Yeah back at the club....my next shift starts soon."

The guy waited in the living room while Teo got ready.He dropped the guy off at the club and paid him for the night also apologizing for wasting his time.

Teo met with malik after school and they did their business together.Malik dropped out of college on his first year deciding it wasnt for him.He work at a pet shop now and he love it.



Lila walked into his room and put his bag by the door.

His eyes went wide when he saw two boxes on his bed.He knows its not from his parents because they never get him anything.He walked over to his bed and took the pink box in his hand.It had a note on it and decided to read it first.

Just a little gift for my little coffee boy.Figured you would like some of your own.See you around

He automatically knew it was Teo

How the hell did he get in here? 

Lila smiled and opened the box.Even though he Turned the older boy down he was kind enough to get him a gift.Lila knew Teo isn't giving up anytime soon.

When the box finally open he saw it was a little glass makeup storage.

He was confused at first but then he decide to open the smaller black box. He struggled with the box for a while but when it finally opened he could feel his cheeks heating up at what he was looking at.

Lipgloss.Lots of it.Different colors,size,brand and

Lila emptied  the box on the bed and  laugh when he saw the mascaras.There wasn't as many as the lipgloss but they were enough for him.He couldnt take the smile off his face.He told Teo something he had never told anyone and the guy got him makeup of his own.He just met the guy this week,had one night with him and he already made him smile more than anyone ever did.


Lila hurried and put his presents under his bed before sitting on his bed and acting normal.His door open and his mom walked in.

"Yes mom?"

She looked around the room before looking at lila who was playing with his fingers.

"Dinner is ready."She said and close the door.

Lila sigh and went to the bathroom to wash up.He decided to leave the presents under his bed just to avoid any awkward situations.

He decided to leave the presents under his bed just to avoid any awkward situations

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Lila laid on his back staring up at the ceiling

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Lila laid on his back staring up at the ceiling . He wanted to thank Teo for what he did but he thought staying away from him was better. He didn't want to like the guy even more so keeping his distance was better.

Lila huff and rolled on his side pulling the blanket to his shoulders.He didn't like that he thought staying away was best.

He's eighteen.He will be out of school in about three months and in college .He shouldnt care what people think,its none of their business at the end of the day.Plus its not everyday a guy is interested in him.

He needed to see Teo.

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