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Lila have been staying with Teo for over a month.They were both happy and comfortable.

They continued school where everyday Teo brings Lila to school and picked him up after.They either go shopping or spend the time in the city together before going home.When Teo has other business to do he would leave Lila at house.He didn't want lila to get involved or see any business transactions.Lila keeps himself busy when alone,either studying,cleaning,relaxing or playing dress up.Teo got him a new wardrobe since Lila didn't want to go back to his parents fearing things would be worst. His two favorite places in the house were the bathroom and the kitchen because could always relax in the bath tub with all the scented candles,books,bubble baths and bath bombs Teo bought for him.He bake every morning in the kitchen.He wake up before Teo and prepare breakfast for them.His mind is always at peace when using the oven and he likes to put a smile on Teo's face in the mornings.

He thought Malik lived there with Teo but it turned out the guy has his own place and just come over a lot.Malik is like Lila's personal earth angel.He keeps Lila's company and watch him when Teo has to do business and he dont.

Lila missed his parents.He gets upset whenever he passed by the café knowing he couldn't face his Father.It broke his heart knowing he can't run to his mother to show her his good grades.Even though they didn't really have time for him he still loved them.

They just had to accept me .I accepted me


Teo got home before Lila.This time Lila actually had a project to do at school at stayed two hours after.Teo sent Malik to pick Lila up since he was already on the road.The difference between Teo's car and Malik's is that Malik's has a basket stick to his dashboard with all type of sweet treats which Lila love.Sometimes the guy's car smell of weed but so does Teo's.

Lila skipped down the hall and into their bedroom.He gave Teo a quick kiss before handing him two boxes.

"What's this for?" Teo ask smiling

"Its a gift for you.You've spoiled me rotten since I came here and even before.I want to give you something too "

"The coffee and pastries you make in the mornings are enough,the simple things are a blessing to me love."

"I'm glad you like my baking and coffee ."Lila said while setting on Teo's lap

Teo opened the box and his smile got wider .

"Thank you baby I actually wanted a new pair of this one."

"You're welcome."Lila said snuggle into Teo's chest.They fall back on the pillows and stayed cuddled up together.Lila could smell smoke on Teo but he didn't mind.Teo never smoked around him and neither did Malik or dwayne.Lila push his face in the crook of Teo's neck and started to suck on his skin. Something he saw a couple at school doing in the hall way.He wanted to give Teo a hickey but wasnt sure how he Would react to be being marked .

Lila sucked gently when he heard Teo's slow breathing and the guy's arm tighten around him.He continue to suck and nibbled on the spot while enjoying Teo's natural scent.
Teo groan because Lila was at a sensitive area without knowing and it was driving Teo crazy.It took everything in him not to move and regret what he would do to Lila.He still think the boy isnt ready especially with school and his parents always on his mind.

Lila place a kiss to Teo's neck before moving away.He let out a loud gasp when he saw the big purple mark on his boyfriend's neck.He looked at Teo for his reaction but the man had his eyes closed with his arm over his forehead.

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