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This is the first time Lila have been to Teo's house.When Teo opened the car door he wrapped lila's legs around his waist and stood carrying him into the house.Teo held the back of Lila's head, the boy buried his face in the crook of his boyfriend's neck so he didn't get a chance to see all the money, bags,gram scales and alcohol bottles everywhere.

Malik handed lila's bag to Teo and stayed downstairs to clean up while Teo carried his whimpering boyfriend to his bedroom.

Teo put him on the bed and went to move away but Lila's latch unto his neck bringing him down with him.Teo tried to move again but the small boy only tighten his grip on him.Teo sighed and laid down beside him pulling Lila into his arms.Both boys eventually went to sleep tangled with each other.
Lila felt better the next morning.He was still upset about what happened but he had stop crying and woke up in Teo's arms so it was a good way to start off the morning.Teo went downstairs and left Lila to get ready for school

Lila stood in front of Teo's full length mirror and button his shirt.He took a moment to admire Teo's bedroom.How tidy it was and very modern.The sheets match the curtains.The rugs match the ceiling and the furnitures all match.Teo's scent was all over the place and it was driving Lila crazy.Lila applied mascara before putting it back into his bag and walked out the room.He had the rest of his makeup supplies and gifts at his house and he hoped neither of his parents didn't see them.Teo spent alot of money on the gifts and clothes.

Lila gave himself a little tour while trying to find Teo or Malik.He didn't dare opened doors that were close because he knew it was rude.

He finally found malik in the living room

"Good morning Mal."Lila said and stood in front of malik.

"Morning lily."Malik giggled and lila furrowed his brows

"Its Lila malik,are you okay?"

"I'm great! Moy said to.......I don't remember."Malik huff

"Where is he?"lila ask

Lila walked in the direction Malik pointed.He entered the kitchen and smiled when he saw Teo.He was sitting by a Small marble table  drinking coffee and scrolling through his phone.

"Hi."lila squeak

Teo looked up and grin

"You're ready,come sit I made you breakfast."Lila blushed and sat beside Teo.

Teo set a plate of food in front of him and he thanked him before eating.

"You feel better?"Teo ask while pouring Lila coffee

"I do,thank you for coming for me."

Teo just smiled and ran his hand through Lila's hair.

"Your house is amazing i guess your family is rich?"Lila ask

"They have money."Teo shrug

Teo left lila to eat while he got ready to bring Lila and himself to school.When both boys were ready they went to the living room where they saw Malik laughed at nothing.

"Is something wrong with him,he called me lily a while ago."Lila whispered

"He's......he's high."Teo sigh

"As in......"

Teo tried to think of something but nothing came in mind apart from telling lila the truth.

"I think its time you know something else about me babe."Teo said he took Lila's hand and they sat down

If Lila was going to be staying with him he is gonna figure it out sooner or later and he thinks it's best if Lila find out from him.

"Well Lila i-"

"You're a porn star?"Lila ask

"What?! no! Why do you have to think of that?"Teo ask with wide eyes

"You have the body of a porn star,you could be one and they make money."Lila shrug

"No I'm not a porn star,would you want your boyfriend to be a porn star ?"

"Could I stop you?"

"Listen...."Teo sighed.He was a little nervous to tell Lila because he don't know what could happened next and he didn't want to loose his boyfriend.

"I sell drugs."Teo bit his bottom lip waiting for Lila to respond.

"You're lying."Lila squint his eyes at Teo

Teo shook his head.
"I'm not,I'm a drug dealer and so his malik.The day you saw us at the warehouse with those men they were some customers."

"I believe malik do it,he looks like a criminal."Lila shrug

"Offended but not surprise."Malik said before drinking the rest of his 'drink' it was really cough syrup and soda(lean).A drink that gets people high and numb to what's going on around them.

Teo took the cup from Malik and grab Lila's hand.

He brought them down the hallway to the basement where he knew Malik hid everything.The door had multiple locks on it including a fingerprint scanner.Teo look at Lila before pushing the door opened and revealing everything.Lila gasp at the sight.He didn't really know a lot about drugs but he knew this was bad.Lila walked over to one table and looked at all the money,bags and pill bottles.

This is enough to get him  two years

This is enough to get him  two years

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Lila didn't dare to touch anything.He turned to Teo who was watching him nervously. Lila walked back over to him and pout

"You use them?"He was hoping Teo would say no

"I don't,I do smoke weed and I drink.I don't do any other drugs."

"What about Malik?"

"He's a good person.He test them but he aint an addict."

Lila sigh

"If you get caught....with all this....you can get hurt.Behind bars and you wont have me."Lila whispered

Teo didn't answer lila.He couldnt tell him everything would be okay because he didnt know that.He didnt know which day they would get a surprise visit from the cops.He didnt know which day something will go wrong and they ended up in a fight with other people over drugs

"Have you ever hurt anyone?"Lila ask

"Yes,I never killed anyone.I won't kill anyone."

"Good."Lila wrap his arms around Teo's waist.

"You're staying with me right?you're not gonna leave me because of this.I don't want you to.I promise this won't be for long" Teo said.

By now Malik was knocked out on one of the couches

Lila look up at him and smile.

"I'm staying right here with you."

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