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Malik Roberts

Lila was sitting in the living room watching a romance movie while Malik was busy stacking small bags of weed to deliver .Teo was at a hospital working as a practice doctor (whatever its called idk) in the best hospital in the city.

The movie Lila was watching had a lot of sex scene in it and he couldn't help but wonder how it felt to do all of that and why his boyfriend haven't made a move on him yet.


"Yes?" Malik answered looking up from the calculator.

"Am I attractive?"

"Of course,you're like a cute little chipmunk."Malik grinned and Lila rolled his eyes but blush

"Its just,Moy and I have been together for six months now and he hasn't tried anything with me.We just make out,sometimes shirtless."

"He doesn't want to rush you,he knows how you are and that everything is your first time."

"But he wasn't like that before."

"You're different Lila,way different."

Lila sighed and paused the movie

"Dont worry too much.In time I will even be scared to come over because you guys are gonna be fucking everywhere in the house."

"S-shut up."

"Malik laugh "Its true though."

Lila bit his boytom lip and try to come up with something.

"How do i make a move on him?"

"Give him head."Malik smirk

"Give him who-what?"

"Suck his dick."

Lila's cheeks were burning from embarrassment

"I can't do-how do I do that?"

"I can't show you."Malik chuckled."How about you watch some gay porn on your phone."

"Oh my god you're something else."Lila groans and covered his face.

"You've ever been with a guy?"He ask Malik

"I've been with more guys than girls."Malik shrug

"You're bisexual then?"

"Yes you can say that."The older guy replied

"You think he waited so long or he got it from someone else?"

"He's not gonna cheat on you."

Lila sighed "I know,I can't help but wonder."


That night the couple was sitting in the living room Teo playing video games while Lila just sat there watching him.Games wasn't his thing but he does like to watch Teo play because its funny how the boy curse,jump,groan,laugh and cheer every now and then.

After debating with himself Lila decided it was the perfect time to try and make a move on Teo.He watched about three gay porn videos thinking it was enough because he was too embarrassed to sit and watch smutty videos.

While Teo prepared for another round on his game.Lila got on his knees in front of his boyfriend. He look up at Teo to see if he realize as he started to unbuckle the boy's jeans and pull down the viper.He pulled the jeans down as much as he could without Teo looking.Teo could feel it but he was focused on finishing the level.Lila ran his hand over Teo's bulge in his boxers and looked back up and him to see Teo looking down at him with questioning eyes.

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