I Give Up

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Shais POV:

After I went out with theo for dinner last night. I crashed and went to bed. Because I have to get up at 4 for filming so early in the morning.

I am at dinner with theo, we are laughing.

Then all of a sudden he leans in to kiss me, and I let him....

Holy shit.

I wake up...

Did I just kiss theo in my dream? What!?!! That could never happen. Me And theo are just good friends. I never could like him in that way plus he has a girlfriend...

But there's this weird feeling in my stomach but it's a good feeling.

I decide to forget about it.

Then I look at my clock on my nightstand it's about 1:37 am and I go back to bed...

Theos POV:

Beep beep

I wake up from my alarm going off from my phone.

I press snooze and look at my phone it's 3:30 am I better get ready. I can't believe we have to be at the set by 4 am. I get changed.

Then I text shai to meet my outside of the hotel.

No answer.

She's probably sleeping still.

So I walk out of my hotel room to knock on Shais door.

She opens the door, she looks exhausted...

"Shai why aren't you ready, we have to be at the set in 15 minutes" I say

"Whaaaaat?, I thought it was 2 am" she saids

"Well you better get ready because we leave in 5 minutes" I say

"Shit" she saids

"I'll meet you outside of the hotel in 5 minutes" I say

"Okay" she saids, then shuts the door.

Shais POV:

Holy shit I have 5 MINUTES TO GET READY?!?!

I didn't go to bed till midnight, I totally we had to be at the set by 4 am today.

Shit I needa get ready...

I put some leggings on and a t-shirt and then a sweatshirt, I brush my hair and teeth.

I grab my purse then walk down to the lobby and outside to meet theo and the others.


Once were in the limo theo saids "shai what

Time did you go to bed last night?"

"About midnight" I say while yawning

"Why so late?"

"I was watching This really good movie" I say

"What movie" he saids

"The other women" I say

"OOOH I was dying to see that movie" he saids

"Theo it's a chick flick, I didn't think you were into that stuff" I say

"I was just joking!" He laughs

I smile back

Then I crash on theos shoulder

Theos POV:

She smiles back at me. God I love her smile.

But I like shai. But I have a girlfriend. I can't just dump Ruth for another girl. That would just be wrong and cold. But I like shai.

Then her head crashes on my shoulder

She starts to snore. She looks so cute while she is sleeping.


15 minutes later we arrive at the set.

I shake shai to wake her up.

She doesn't wake up.

I shake her again gently while saying "wake up shai were here"

She groans.

We get out of the limo and go to our dressing rooms to get ready.


We filmed about for 8 hours and I'm already exhausted.

It's time for lunch.

Shai is eating all this junk food for the past 8 hours.

She is actually doing pretty good at this bet then I thought she would.

She goes for her 10th donut.

"Shai I think that's enough for today" I say

"No I need to win this bet" she saids

"Shai you ate enough, it's really not healthy" I say

"Okay" she saids

Then she grabs a trashcan and pukes in it

Oh god I made shai sick, over this stupid bet. Oh god I feel awful.

"Shai I'm sorry I made you sick, this is my fault you won the bet, I tell Robert you got sick go back to the hotel and rest" I say

She nods and grabs her stuff and goes outside to the limo

Shais POV:

I got home four hours ago, I decided to take a nap since I wasn't feeling well. I wake up to a knock coming from my hotel door. I get up from my bed and I open the door and it's theo.

"Hey" he saids

"Hey" I say

"Can I come in?" He saids

"Sure" then I close the door behind him.

I sit on the edge of the bed, he sits next to me

He puts his hand on my thigh, oh god what is he doing? Is he asking me out or something?

"Shai, I'm sorry I made you get sick, I just wanted to do a bet and see if you could win for fun, I never met anything to get you sick, I didn't know this would happen to you" he saids

"no theo it's totally fine, let's just forget about it"

"Okay" he smiles

I smile back

"So we good" he saids

"Yeah were good" I say

he smiles then kisses my cheek

"I'll see you tomorrow" he saids then leaves

Oh my god he just kissed my cheek. Friends don't do that. Well do they? Does he like me? Wait he can't he has a girlfriend. But if he hadn't had a girlfriend he would kiss me on the cheek. Would that be cheating. I'm so confused. Whatever. It's not like he kissed me on the lips that would be cheating I guess.

I give up...


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I'll be posting more chapters when I get more views thanks!


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