Christmas fight?

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Theos POV:

I see shai and Emily fighting. I don't know who started it but I think shai did. I am very disappointed in her.

"STOP" I yell

I walk over to shai and pull her off of Emily.

"What the hell is wrong with you to?" I say

"She started it theo" Emily says

"No I didn't, your sister did" shai says

"Mom your going to hold off dinner for a couple minutes" I shout

"Okay" she shouts

"Your coming with me upstairs and we are talking about this" I say

I grab Shais arm and walk upstairs into my room and shut the door.

"What the hell shai" I say

"I did nothing" she says

"Shai yes you did, I saw you tackle my sister and my sister said so" I say

"No I didn't, she tackled me" she says

"Stop making up lies, just be honest with me" I say

"I am being honest with you!" She yells

"No your not, I saw it with my own eyes" I say

"We'll clearly your sister made it look like she was tackling me" she says

"How dare you blame my sister" I say

"I am not blaming your sister, I was defending you because I was being a good fiancé she says

"We'll your not being a good fiancé" I say

She starts to cry and runs out of the bathroom and locks herself into the bathroom.

What have I done?

Shais POV:

"We'll your not being a good fiancé" theo says

How dare he. I tried everything to be a good fiancé but I guess I'm never good enough. Tears come down my face and I run out of the bedroom into the bathroom. Then I lock myself in the bathroom and slide down the door and knell down and I start to sob. I hear a knock on the door.

"Baby open up please" theo says

"No leave me alone" I cry

"I'm sorry I blamed you, I should of known my sister lies and I wasn't thinking I just wanted to fix my relationship with her" theo says

"We'll whatever, I'm never good enough for anyone" I cry

"No baby I'm so sorry that I said that I didn't mean that I really didn't please forgive me" theo says

I stand up and turn the door knob and open the door. I see theo standing there.

"Come here" he says

I walk over to him and wrap my arms around him and lean my head on his shoulder and I cry into his shoulder

"Shai stop crying please" he whispers

"I can't, I was being a bitch" I say

"No you weren't, I was and I'm sorry" he says

I just stare at him and I smile. He wipes my tears from my face with his thumbs.

"Let's have some Christmas dinner" theo says

"Okay" I say while wiping my face

We walk back downstairs and we see everyone sitting at the table waiting for us. We sit down and start to pass the ham around the table.

"So theo, are you happy you found the one?" Someone says

"Yes aunt Megan I am" theo says

"Me and theo love each each other very much" I say

"When do you think the wedding might be?" Theos mom says

"Maybe April I don't know really we need to do it before we start filming allegiant"

"Yeah, it's gonna be a long project so" I say

That night we finished our Christmas meal. We talked around the table. Then after we gave each other presents. Theos family gave me some presents. Even though theo didn't fix his relationship with his sister Emily but she needs to understand it's his life not hers someday she will understand that. I had a pretty fun Christmas with Theos family ♥︎

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