How Could You?

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Shais POV:

Yesterday we had our Labor Day party. It was actually really fun. I'm walking to my trailer. Because we just finished filming for the day. I'm getting changed into my other clothes. I grab my bag of clothes. I change into a tanktop and leggings. Today is 75 degrees it wasn't so hot today. Then I hear a knock on my door and I open the door and I find it's theo.

"Hey baby" I say

"Hey" theo says then kisses my cheek

"I can't believe we have 3 weeks left of filming" I say

"I know, but I think the fans are gonna really like it" he says

"Me too" I say

"Wanna go out to dinner tonight" he says

"Sure I would love to" I say

"Okay, be at my room around 7 and wear something nice" he winks

"Okay" I laugh

He waves goodbye and shuts my trailer door.

I grab my car keys and my purse. Then I shut my lights off in my trailer and lock the door. Then I close the door and walk down the steps. I walk toward my car. I get inside and drive back to the hotel.

10 minutes later...

I get out of my car and I shut the door. Then I lock it. I walk towards the hotel. Then I see all these paparazzi and photographers. I wave and smile then I open the hotels lobby door. I walk towards the elevator and I press the button and the door opens. I press the 6th floor button and the elevator doors close. I feel the pressure of me riding up to the 6th floor. Finally I hear a ding and the elevator doors open. I walk down the hallway and once I reach my hotel room I open the door with my keys. I close the door and throw my purse and keys on the bed. I decide to wear a pencil skirt and a loose tanktop fancy shirt. I take my old clothes off and get changed into that. I grab my makeup bag and go into the bathroom and turn the light on. I put my foundation, cover up, mascara, eyeshadow, eyeliner and blush on. Then I decide to put a orange pinky lipstick on. I turn off the light and walk back into my bedroom. Then I check my phone and I see my brother texted me and the message says.

Hey how's filming going? -tanner

Great, we will be done in about 3 weeks! -shai

Okay, how about we meet next week for dinner and catch up? -tanner

That would be great! I'll see you then -shai

Me too! -tanner says

Then I realize what time it is, it's about 7:00 pm so I better meet theo now.

Hey Igtg now, I'll talk to you later -Shai

Okay, bye! -tanner

I put my phone in my purse. Then I grab my sliver flats and I put them on. I grab my eyes and I turn off the lights. I open the door and I see theo making out with Ruth. I just stand there and tears start to come down my face. Why would he do this to me, I thought he was done with her? Why theo?


Theo stops kissing Ruth. He looks at me In shock.

"Shai, I can explain" he says


"Shai please" he says

I shut my door on him. I rip the necklace off

Of me what he got me. I lean against the door and tears come down my face. How could he do this to me. He chooses me over Ruth. I thought he was a better person than that I guess i was wrong, I'm

Never talking to him again! I'm done with this shit.

I slide down the door and I put my hands on my face and I sob in tears.

Cliffhanger!!! I'll post the next chapter later tomorrow since I have my highschool orientation tomorrow like in early in the morning lol. Sorry if the chapter was short. I hope you enjoyed!


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