It's Something

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He slammed down his mug of coffee, causing Khirsten to flinch.

"You forgot to bring me my sugar, waitress." He spat the word out of his yellow, crooked teeth like poison.

"I'm sorry sir, but there are sugar packets available at you table." she motioned to the little tray, "We have different options as well-"

"Don't get smart with me." He growled, his anger bubbling over.

Khirsten felt the acrid emotion scalding her skin. She knew immediately that this wasn't a natural anger. It didn't burn this way. Yes the emotion was hot and strong, but not like this. She backed away as he suddenly stood, waves of his anger washing upon her skin. Somewhere between her fear and his powerful rage she became lost. It was a new sensation, she knew others were watching- she didn't know if they'd help. He was large, probably close to 250 pounds of trucker anger and his heedless behavior suggested to drug use.

"P-please sit back down." Khirsten fought through the confusion of feelings that were warring within her, This is exhausting.

But it was nothing new. The young woman had been feeling the emotions of others her whole life. It didn't make it easier to deal with, but it did mean she wasn't terrified by being in a new situation. Slowly, as the man began a tirade on how good help was nowhere to be found and how the youth of this generation were what was wrong with the world, Khirsten eased her way back towards the kitchens. She couldn't afford to lose her job, and couldn't emotionally withstand being put in another Xavier situation.

Almost there... She held her breath as she eased just out of reach, then made a dash for the back room.

"Call for the manager and the police!" She hollered as she flew through the swinging double doors, not looking back to see if the brute was following her. Ignoring the confused looks of her coworkers, she dashed through the kitchen, past the bathrooms and out the back door. She stopped when she felt the sun and sea breeze on her skin. Khirsten fell against the brick wall and listened. She didn't have to strain to hear the still screaming man, now in hysterics obviously throwing things inside the little restaurant. She flipped open her cell phone, dialing Joe.

As the phone rang she thought of how funny and ironic it was that she'd be glad to have a cop for her best friend.


Khirsten felt near tears as her words left in a breathless rush, "There's a man in the diner and he's destroying things and screaming."

"I'll be right there. Stay away from him. Try and make sure he doesn't hurt you... or anyone else." Joe hung up before she could respond.

Khirsten stared at her phone, holding it tightly. She felt braver now, more confident.

Just from a few short sentences. She had little time to muse as she weighed her options. She couldn't hear any one else in the diner over the enraged man. Guilt weighed in her. She knew Joe asked her to stay away from the trucker, but she couldn't help feeling as though she had to rescue the people who were trapped inside. Slowly Khirsten eased back inside, letting the door close softly behind her. She pushed her way through the crowd of people who were now huddled on the edges of the restaurant, too scared to leave for fear of drawing the man's attention to them.

The anger was so toxic and thick in the small diner that Khirsten could feel herself becoming nauseous.

One frightened woman reached out, touching her gently as if to stop her movement. Khirsten gave a soft smile to those large, frightened brown eyes and continued onwards, circling around to the outskirts of the mans vision. She straightened up, taking a deep breath, and opened her mouth.

World of Make-Believe: Khirsten's StoryWhere stories live. Discover now