It's A Decision

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Khirsten stood a little outside the group, watching more than joining in as Joe, Devon, and Chelsea discussed the finer details of what had just happened. Khirsten really hadn't been paying attention. She was too shaken up by the last few days to have noticed that she had slowly been turning into a Selkie while at sea. She mused as the three others continued their conversation.

Have I always done that? No, if I had someone would have noticed long ago. I would be in a science lab by now. If Mom was a Selkie what does that mean? What does it all mean exactly? what even is a Selkie? She brought a finger to her mouth and bit it in worry. It was a habit she had always had in some form. Somewhere over the years sucking her thumb had turned into biting her nails and fingers. She turned to face the others, only to discover she had walked quite a ways off. Khirsten stood off in the distance, watching and waiting for them to call her over, realize she was missing... for some form of recognition and importance. Her heart felt saddened by the fact that they hadn't noticed her disappearance. Khirsten shrugged as she took in the scenery.

Well, she figured as she began up one of the paths back to the town and diner, if they don't want me I'm not sticking around.

The further away she got without anyone stopping or noticing her, the more alone and rejected she felt. Khirsten trudged through the street, looking up as she came upon the restaurant. The other three waitress' and cooks stood huddled together as the manager talked with a local officer. She stopped short of the bunch as they looked at her with wide, frightened eyes.

"Once again I'm the odd one out." She felt so utterly alone again.

She approached slowly, "Weird what happened right?"

One of the cooks looked over to the others, "Yeah..."

The others just nodded. None looked her in the face. No one felt comfortable around her any longer. Khirsten sighed. It had been so long since she had mentioned or shown any of her unusual gifts that most people had long forgotten. Her eyes scanned the small crowd of people she had known for years.

I should have known. She thought as she turned away, They probably remember everything now.

"So..." One of the waitress' talked through her chewing gum, "what exactly was that?"

"I-I don't know exactly."

"You've always been a bit weird," another older woman commented, "I remember that one time you told us all about that fire when you were just a little baby only hours before it happened."

Khirsten remembered that. She had a daydream about the post office going up in flames. It had terrified her as a child.

"A-are you a witch?"

Khirsten snapped her gaze up, "God no." She snorted, "I don't really know why I see these things," she half-lied, "I just always have. I..." she took a deep breath and ran a hand through her hair, snagging it in her braid, "Honestly I don't feel like I fit in with you all." she slowly walked to her manager, who had stopped talking with the cop to observe his staff.

"Sir." Khirsten tried to smile, she was sure it came out as a grimace, "I'm sorry to do this, but I think it's time for me to quit my job."

The man slowly nodded, "Yes." His voice was clear and concise, "I believe that may be the best course of action considering the recent goings on." He caught her eyes, "However, once everything is settled and you're feeling up to it again, I'll keep your name embroidered on your apron."

Khirsten felt a tug of warmth for the first time in nearly an hour, "Oh thank you!" She felt her eyes begin to water.

"Ah, none of that." He smiled, standing and extending a hand.

World of Make-Believe: Khirsten's StoryWhere stories live. Discover now