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Khirsten slouched on her couch in her living room, in her house. She had made it a point to slip away from everyone. They had all been mashed in that three bedroom house for almost two weeks and tensions were starting to rise. Personalities were clashing and the polish had worn off of the cozy family life they had been living. She sighed in the cool, dark quiet. Listening to the sounds of another storm raging outside she found the solace to be refreshing. She knew that, if she was caught she would get a verbal thrashing.

For some unknown reason the Herald still hadn't arrived in their town, which made no sense considering it was well within the monsters calculated route. She mused about all the changes that had happened lately. the ocean had stopped talking to her completely- she never realized how big a part of her life it had become until she woke up one morning to a deafening silence. In a panic she woke Joe and forced him to speak to her just to make sure she hadn't lost her sense of hearing. The look he gave her was of exhausted annoyance. She left the room and wandered the beach front, dipping her toes as frequently as she dare into the water.

Still no voice.

It had taken days to adjust to. When she mentioned it to Devon he pointed out how the voice belonged to an evil being anyway, so it was better this way in the long run. She hadn't been so convinced, but there was nothing she could do short of running head first under the waves, leaving her comrades behind to face the dangers of war alone. She couldn't do that. Not after vowing her life to the cause, to the movement.

Her training had been getting harder as well. Since she had picked up the easy things so quickly Devon had moved her into an intermediate study level. This had proven slightly more difficult as it required her to use her magic and transform it into physical things, to enchant various objects. Projecting her magic outwards was simple, air was such a thin, moveable element. To push it into a physical being with a denser mass was proving slightly more difficult. Right at this moment Devon was having her practice enchanting a tree, but called the game on account of rain and a dangerous storm. They had to be able to protect their loved ones before they had to worry about shielding themselves to enchant a tree.

She tensed as she felt Devon's magic searching for her. It was an odd sensation knowing you were being watched. Much more uncomfortable than the sensation of feeling like you are being watching. She sighed and swung up off her couch, trudging against the rain and cold back onto Lisa's front porch. She took a seat outside and watched as the waves rose and crashed like magnificent, angry lions against the shore. Ever since finding out what she was her pull to constantly be in the ocean had somewhat lessened, even more so with the help of Devon's training. She was able to better control the magic that slumbered within her. It was that magic, she discovered, that lured her beneath the waves.

"A magic born from water will always long to return to water." Devon had said.

Khirsten was constantly amazed by the sense and logic that came out of the fairy's mouth. He just didn't seem like the type to go around spouting fact. Not with all his stupid little pranks and 'dearie's and 'sweetling's. He was nice enough, Khirsten supposed as she began sending her magic outwards in tendrils. She watched the white tentacles seep into the wood of Lisa's back porch, but he didn't seem like he was really a down to earth guy.

It was then, as Khirsten was mindlessly flexing her power, stretching her boundaries, that she heard a small cry for help. Her eyes immediately darted to the ocean. In the deep waves she could barely make out the black struggling figure of a child.

"Oh my God." she whispered, standing, "Joe! Devon!" She screamed behind her as she raced off the porch and through the sand.

She was moving like lightening, her maternal instincts kicking in, allowing her to practically fly over the sand and dunes. Joe and Devon had no chance of catching up on foot, both slowly came to a halt and watched in awe as her purely mortal power alone drove her onwards like death itself was on her heels. She didn't even stumble. But she had no time to marvel and think about that as she dove head first into the raging, icy waters. Vaguely she could hear this child's mother yelling and crying on the beach from below the ocean waves.

World of Make-Believe: Khirsten's StoryWhere stories live. Discover now