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Vanilla bean and coffee kisses a soft pink nose, the winter air having no issue dusting New York patrons with blush. A soft voice is barely audible through the airpods in James' ears, the bell ringing above his head as he enters Kaffe 1988. The smell was irresistible, but the man behind the counter is what made him grateful that he stopped in.

"How ya doin' today?" a deep voice rings out, James almost taken aback by the bassy tone that came from the man at the register. His eyes skim over him once more, finally reading the name tag instead of soaking in all he had to offer.

"I'm doing good, how are you, Grayson?" James said, pocketing his ear buds with a grin. A look of confusion crosses Grayson's face, eyebrows furrowing and shoulders tense.

"Sorry... do I know you or something?" Grayson asks, pulling at the white sleeves covering his arms. James cocks his head to the side, raising his eyebrows.

"It's on your name tag, honey," he said, manicured finger pointing to the flimsy plastic that rested on his chest. There's a laugh from behind the coffee roaster and espresso machine, James doing a double take at the boy behind there.

"Oh, right," Grayson is quick to say, blush lighting his cheeks as he clears his throat and scratches the back of his head. "Well, it's only fair I know yours, then."

"James," he said, grin never fading as he continued the conversation. His eyes flickered to the menu behind Grayson, almost reluctant to choose a drink. Especially if he seemed nervous enough to continue a conversation instead of asking James what he wanted. "Are you two twins?"

"Who?" and "Yes." are what he's greeted with in regards to the question, the other man emerging from behind the machine and slapping his brother over the head. James can't help but choke, amazed that both were so gorgeous.

"I'm Ethan, sorry for Grayson, it's the first time he's worked register," Ethan said, sparing his brother a glance as he laughs lightly. "Anything I can get you?"

"Yes, actually," James said, eyes raking over Grayson for a moment. There's a clashing of hues, the blush on Grayson's face intensifying before he hurries to where Ethan once was. He can't help the laugh that falls from his soft pink lips, eyes falling back to Ethan. "Can I have a regular strawberry acai with coconut milk, please?"

"Are you sure you don't want an iced vanilla latte?" Grayson chimes from behind the machines, looking over at James who can't help but screw his face in confusion.

"Yes, I'm sure," James said, pulling his wallet from his pocket and holding his card out for Ethan to take.

"Just make the drink," Ethan whispers, giving James a smile before accepting the card and swiping it. "Just sign right there."

James finds himself signing his name, giving a ten dollar tip before clicking accept and standing at the end of the counter. He watches Grayson fumble around, eyes looking lost as he reaches for the coconut milk.

There's a hushed conversation between the two men, James enjoying the view of both of them. His eyes didn't seem to stray much from Grayson, a soft smile when he notes the small mole at the bottom of his chin. There's a tripping of feet, Ethan pushing at Grayson and motioning towards the back door.

James is curious, but he doesn't say anything, eyes scanning the panic on both of their faces as the bell above the door rings once again. Ethan is the first to greet the girl that walked in, hardly a smile on his face before asking for her order.

There was a loud noise that drew James back to Grayson, watching as he picked up the cup that held the pink liquid that he'd worked so hard on. He almost felt bad, especially when he saw the distraught look on the mans face.

Missed Calls (Grayson Dolan x James Charles)Where stories live. Discover now