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When they arrive, the dance had already begun, vibrations running through their shoes and into their chests. Excitement kisses them all, fingers intertwined with their respective partners. James can't help but grin as they enter, pulling everyone quickly to the photo station. All he wanted was to capture this moment, remember the night that he finally started feeling so alive again.

The group photo is first, everyone squeezing in for the first, but switching partners for a comedic second. The next is just a confusing one, the twins' faces full of grins as they rested their hands together and held the stereotypical prom pose. Emma held on to James's waist from behind, peering her head from the side and grinning.

James and Grayson take their own, swapping spots and holding each other close. There was no doubt that the two were meant to be in that moment, all grins and no start or end to the two of them. Emma couldn't hide her smile off to the side, ecstatic for her best friends happiness. There was nothing James deserved more than this moment.

Right after photos they find themselves occupied on the dance floor, James more than aware of the stares he was receiving. Of course, that wasn't anything unusual, he chalked it up to having Grayson by his side.

Fingers run along James's side, Grayson pulling him close as the beat picked up. Breaths mingle at the excitement, too caught up in one another. James is the first to pull away, a wicked grin upon his face as he shakes his hips and steps away from him. The smile that graces Grayson's lips is nearly enough to stop James dead in his tracks.

"You're really nice to look at," Grayson shouts over the music, James smiling at the compliment. He catches the way Grayson looks him over, the laugh that bubbles from his lip with joy.

"Oh, I didn't realize my outfit had a mirror on it," he's quick to say, winking at Grayson before slowing his pace as the song ended. He wasn't going to lie, as much as he adored his heels, they were surely killing his feet.

"Oh James, we can't sit down just yet, it's not a dance without a slow dance," he said, grin taking over his face as he holds a calloused hand out for James to take. James pretends to think for a moment, hand on his hip for added effect. Teasing Grayson was always a hilarious moment. 

"You're right, I should go ask Emma," he teases before grabbing hold of Grayson's hand. James is shorter, of course, resting his hands on broad shoulders. This was a moment that James was going to cherish for years to come, regardless of how their relationship were to pan out.

The two fell in sync, feet never colliding as they move back and forth with soft smiles. It's almost as if they're lost in each other, too involved with what's happening with one another. The lights dance upon their skin, painting designs that each wished to recreate. 

Hands grip his waist close, a soft smile playing on Grayson's lips as he looks at James. Both of them were asking themselves how they had gotten so lucky. Nails run through perfectly sculpted hair, James laughing at the look of betrayal that crosses over Grayson. 

James hardly wants to be brought back to reality when the song ends, running his hands down Grayson's arms to hold his hands. They make their way to the table Emma and Ethan were chatting at, heads close together with soft smiles painting their lips.

"I hate to interrupt you love birds, but a sister really has to use the bathroom," James said, letting go of Grayson and laughing at the small jump Emma had done.

"Don't drown," Emma calls after him, waving violently as he turned to walk away. He couldn't help but roll his eyes in response, throwing up a middle finger.

The hall is poorly lit, only the security lights left on to light the way. Something felt off, but James chalked it up to watching too many horror movies on his own. The music is muffled through the walls of the school, James humming softly to himself. Nothing could ruin how happy he was at the moment- having Grayson and his best friend right by his side.

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