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James had been at work for an hour already, the frozen yogurt shop not holding any customers. He wasn't surprised at all, the city was already buried under two inches of snow. You'd have to be quite insane to trek out and grab frozen yogurt at this point in time. Either way, the lack of customers didn't bother James, he was paid by the hour, tips were just a plus.

"Hi! Welcome to Berry Frozen," James said the moment the bell above the door rang. His eyes collide with the freckled chin from Sunday, James choking for a moment. Grayson was the last person he expected to see. "Um, if there's anything I can do to help, just let me know."

"Thanks," Grayson said, eyes trained on his phone. Relief filled James, but he wondered if it was too late to run out the door and trust Grayson to pay. He'd let himself freeze if it meant he could escape the embarrassment he was bound to face.

James busies himself with washing the counter top, his rag not even wet. It wasn't like he had any product to clean up, Grayson was the only customer they had since they opened. He wanted the checkered floor to open and devour him whole, dread settling into his bones.

Grayson was too preoccupied with the flavors, as far as James could tell. There was at least six different choices in his cup already, an abomination to mix so many if he had any say. The cup was rather small, too, letting James know that six was a lot, but Grayson seemed to fit as much as possible.

"Can I have cookie dough bites?" Grayson asks, finger pressed on the glass and snapping James from his thoughts. There's a moment of silence before Grayson finally looks up, eyes widening and cheeks brightening pink.

"Of course," James answers, looking around for a spot to place his rag before settling on just throwing it on the floor. He gives Grayson a grin, not wanting to embarrass himself even further. "Do you want anything else?"

"Sure," Grayson said, enthusiasm back in his voice, brown hues glistening. "I'll take some gummy worms, blueberries, and let's go sprinkles."

"Sounds like someone is sister starving," James said, returning Grayson's infectious smile. He wants to be annoyed- Grayson was acting like he hadn't given him the wrong number yesterday. Maybe he thought James just hadn't texted him yet?

"I can eat so much food," Grayson replies, looking nervous once again. Boys were entirely too confusing if you were to ask James- especially Grayson. You're given the wrong number and they still act like you're making them flustered. "Are you okay?"

"Yes, sorry," James said, shaking his head and topping the frozen yogurt off with sprinkles. He gives Grayson a reassuring smile, making his way to the register and weigh station. "My brain just doesn't know how to shut up around cute boys."

"Oh," Grayson said, cheeks stretching with the grin that took over. He's fidgeting with his phone on the counter, sparing James a glance before saying, "is there a mirror behind me? I know you're talking about yourself."

"Ha ha, very funny," James said, rolling his eyes as he set Grayson's frozen yogurt concoction on the scale. James can't help but blink a few times as the price appears on the register, the highest he'd ever encountered. "It's going to be $14.53- do you want to pay with cash or card?"

"What's with the face?" Grayson questions, having noticed the look of surprise that had crossed.

"That's just the most expensive small cup I've ever had and I've worked here for over a year," James said, shifting the weight on his feet. "I'd like to see you try and eat this whole thing in one sitting."

"Is that a challenge I smell?" Grayson said, head cocking to the side as he grinned. James couldn't help but raise his eyebrows and lean in just slightly. "What do I get if I win?"

"I'll buy that monster of a cup," James said, smirking as he looked at the slowly melting mixture. There was no way Grayson could finish all of that in one sitting.

"Deal, I bet I can even finish it in under two minutes," he gloats, taking the cup from James's outstretched hand.

"Don't get too cocky, daddy," James said, grinning innocently as Grayson's cheeks burned red. "Let's see how much you can take, I'll start the timer."

"Wait," Grayson starts, handing James his phone and opening the timer himself. "Use mine, I trust it more."

"You do know we have the same phone, right?" James said, eyebrows close together before accepting the device from Grayson.

"Yeah, well," Grayson said, shrugging his shoulders before raising the spoon to his mouth and giving James an expectant look. There's a moment of silence before James deflates and sets the timer for two minutes and presses start.

Grayson is shoveling in the yogurt quickly, remnants already lingering on his chin as he continues. James wanted to be grossed out, but he couldn't help but be fascinated at the sight before him.

A brilliant idea crosses him, taking out his phone to take a photo before recording the spectacle for his friends to see. Grayson doesn't even hesitate, a small laugh falling from him as he realized that he was being recorded.

"Okay Gray, you have under a minute left, are you sister shivering?" James jokes, zooming in on Grayson's face and catching the subtle middle finger he was given. "Love a feisty kitty daddy."

Grayson can't help but laugh, a small amount of yogurt falling from his mouth before he forces more in. The laughter from James warms the establishment, Grayson's closed mouth smile hardly leaving him.

"Done," Grayson shouts, slamming the container on the counter and violently wiping his chin.

"You really did that," James said, pausing the timer with five seconds left. He shuts his camera off, looking to Grayson with utter amazement at his disgusting accomplishment. "A deal is a deal, I always keep my bets."

"While you pay for that, is there a bathroom? I have a brain freeze and my hands are sticking," he said, waving his fingers around as if it'd prove to James what he'd said.

"First door on the left down the hall," James said, pointing a perfectly manicured nail behind Grayson.

"Thanks," he's met with, Grayson turning on his heels and walking quickly to where James had said. There's a buzzing on the counter and James can't help but become curious. It's a message from Ethan and suddenly a genius idea pops into his head.

James spares a glance to the bathroom door before picking up Grayson's phone and clicking his contacts. He clicks 'create', filling in his number and setting his name as James with a heart. Swiftly, he closes out the contact app, getting rid of any evidence of what he'd done. Right as he set it down, Grayson opened the bathroom door, a relieved sigh leaving James. He hadn't even realized he'd been holding his breath.

"So, uh," Grayson starts, scratching at the back of his neck before looking at James, "how long until you get off? Of work, I mean."

"Wouldn't you like to know," James winks, locking Grayson's phone and handing it over. "I'm here for another two hours, so don't wait on me, Prince Charming."

"That's my nephew's favorite character in Snow White," Grayson responds, eliciting a soft smile from James at the mention of his family. "I think you'd fit her pretty well. You know, with the dark hair and really pale skin."

"I'd love to be surrounded by seven men," James replies, huffing at the comment on how pale he was. "Thank you, for pointing out how terribly pale I am, bitch ass."

"Hey, I'm just stating facts," Grayson said, holding his hands up in fake surrender before grinning. "Listen, I gotta go. Talk some time soon?"

"Right," James said, that rejection hitting him like a bag of bricks once more. He forces a smile onto his face, waving to Grayson as he left. "Have a good day, Grayson. Drive safe!"

"You too, James, try not to eat any poisoned apples," Grayson said, a chill running up James' spine as the breeze hit him. The snow hadn't stopped, covering Grayson from his view. His eyes stray to a twenty that was resting on the counter, a small smile painting his lips.

"You're kidding," he grinned, picking up the bill and paying for the yogurt, pocketing the rest as a tip. "Boys are so fucking confusing, I swear."

Missed Calls (Grayson Dolan x James Charles)Where stories live. Discover now