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The weather had only gotten worse, roads slick with ice and snow as Emma and James had drove. They'd taken their time, Emma having called the cafe to make sure their pit stop wasn't in vain. She'd inquired about who was working today- happy to hear the names Grayson and Ethan roll off the managers tongue.

She had hesitated when they parked, seeing the vibrant sign a little further down the street. What if all of this goes terribly wrong? She wasn't sure if she'd be able to forgive herself if something happened to James.

"What if they're like, serial killers or something?" Emma spoke, already holding her hands in front of the car heater. James gave her a pointed look, Emma knowing the excuse wouldn't work.

"I'd let them kill me if that was the case, sister," James chuckles, shutting his car off and watching Emma's face drop. The car wasn't even cold yet, regardless of how quickly it was trying to seep into the vehicle through the cracks. James knew how to get her out of the car, stripping the heat and music the first step.

"Wow, that's some serious dedication. They're that hot? Maybe I shouldn't do this- you know you can have like a stroke or something when you experience sudden temperature changes," Emma rambles, pulling her seat belt from her body before letting it go. It hit her with a snap, James rolling his eyes at her nerves.

"Emma, you're the most gorgeous girl I know," he starts, reaching over the center counsel and unbuckling her seat belt, "I have no doubt that you're going to absolutely blow him away. In both senses."

"Oh my god don't say that," she said, a glare firmly in place before she chugs the rest of her coffee. "I'm a great friend, okay. This is what great friends do. They set up a not so blind blind date for operation Sister Switch."

"2.0," James adds, watching as Emma rolls her eyes and places a hand on the door handle. "This is going to be good and fresh, Em."

"He better put espresso in my coffee," is all she said, slamming the door behind her. She wrapped her jacket tighter, throwing up her middle finger and not sparing a glance at a laughing James. The walk to the door may have been short, but the wind wasn't going easy on her. Cold nipped the exposed skin, snow sticking to rosy cheeks before melting. She hesitates before the door, finally sparing him a glance. James is grinning, two thumbs up to reassure her.

"Welcome," a booming voice shouts, a grinning face greeting her from behind the coffee machine. The boy at the register doesn't spare a glance, writing notes furiously. "Ethan, there's a customer."

"Oh sorry," he said, looking up for a split second. The pen stops suddenly, Ethan doing a double take before quickly shoving the pad of paper away. "Just doing inventory, what can I get for you?"

"Well, you're a coffee shop and let me tell you, I love coffee," Emma starts, mentally face palming at her choice of words. No shit she was here for coffee. "Right, so, what do you recommend?"

"Iced vanilla latte," the one behind the machine pipes, Emma assuming it was Grayson. He fit the description perfectly, freckle kissing his chin.

"Shut up Grayson," Ethan quips, rolling his eyes before grinning at Emma. She can see it now, what James meant when he said he'd let the twins kill him. They were drop dead gorgeous. "It really depends, do you like coffee or are you more in it for the taste?"

"Are you trying to say regular coffee isn't good?" Emma said, eyebrow raised as she leaned forward. She was ready for this discussion, Ethan was going to play with fire if he didn't choose his next words wisely.

"If I was Grayson then that'd be a yes," Ethan said, elbowing his brother before grinning, "but, I'm not, I'm Ethan."

"I gathered that from the name tag," she jokes, laughing at the pink tinge on his cheeks. "But maybe you guys switched name tags just to mess with customers, how would I know? This could all be a lie."

Missed Calls (Grayson Dolan x James Charles)Where stories live. Discover now