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Sun kisses bruised lids, brilliant brown lighting like gold when the sun greets his eyes. James blinks furiously, face pulling back in disgust, attempting to flee from the light. It's all in vain as everywhere he turns is invaded by the sun. He'd almost forgotten about the God resting in his bed until he felt arms pull him closer.

"Are you always so squirmy in the morning?" Grayson said, voice groggy with sleep. James can't help the shiver that licks up his spine, more than willing to blame it on the cold if he were to ask.

"Only when the sun is trying to stab me in the eyes," he said, groaning as he turned around to face Grayson. He's met with a sleepy smile, one eye closed while the other glittered in the sunlight. James wanted to frame this moment, paint out the subtle laugh lines and the life that danced in caramel eyes.

"Do I have something on my face?" he's quick to ask, unwrapping from James to bring a hand to his face. A soft laugh falls from James at the sight, hand rubbing golden skin raw with paranoia. He practically whines out the next part, "come on, James. Is it dry drool?"

"Just a whole lot of good looks, sister," he said, hand grabbing hold of Grayson's to move it out of his way. He's met with a small blush, teeth exposed as Grayson grins wide.

"Ha ha, you're so funny James, I bet my breath smells just as good," and with that, he was huffing and puffing right in James's face. His nose scrunches and a fake retching noise leaves his mouth.

"That's sister stinky, I think you just singed my eyebrows off," he said, waving a hand in front of his face before laughing.

"I guess I'll just leave, then," Grayson said, feigning hurt before cracking his serious face with a grin.

"Who will take care of me? I'm in so much pain," he said, tossing a hand onto his forehead and throwing his head back on the pillow. Grayson can't help the booming laugh, shoulders shaking with joy.

"You're even more dramatic than Ethan," he said, sobering up from the laughter. James is taken aback by the tender touch on his cheek, the soft eyes that Grayson gives him. "You look terrible."

"I really thought we were having a moment there," James said, rolling his eyes before sighing. "How bad?"

"I mean, I'd still kiss you," Grayson jokes, receiving an elbow from James.

"You're horrible. Let me out of this bed so I can go cry at myself in the mirror," he said, already wrestling with the blankets. He doesn't get far, though, Grayson enveloping him in a bone-crushing hug.

"There will be no tears to cry, sorry, I don't make the rules," he said, pulling the blanket over James' shoulders. He's met with a huff, James attempting to leave.

"Shut up, let me out of here," James said, arms folded against Grayson's chest. He had no advantages in this situation, sighing as he relaxes into him. "This is so not fair."

"Five minutes and then we can leave," he said, hand running through black locks. James can't help but hum in content, head tucked beneath Grayson's chin.

The sun is warm against his back, nearly comparing to the warmth of the boy beneath him. Dust dances in the light, mimicking the moves the two had done themselves the night before. Pain may have been radiating through James, but he was more than content to have spent the night with Grayson. As if thinking the same thing, Grayson tips his head down and places a delicate kiss upon James's head. Grayson's heartbeat quickens, James softly smiling to himself. He doubted he'd stop being nervous around Grayson.

"Alright, I really have to pee," James complains, already attempting to roll away from Grayson.

"That wasn't even five minutes," Grayson whines, releasing his grip and sighing. James is quick to roll to the edge of the bed, wiggling his toes on the wood floor. He'd almost forgotten how cold the world was right now.

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