Please Don't Go

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Ten minutes pass before worry begins to seep into Grayson's bones. His eyes are constantly fluttering to the door, waiting for James to waltz in. A soft smile graces his features at the thought, knowing James would steal all the attention in the room. He was breathtaking after all, all sass and laughter that sent his heart running.

"Does James usually take this long?" Grayson finds himself asking, breaking away from his own thought of said boy. Emma furrows her brows, looking to find a clock before shrugging.

"He's honestly probably taking a shit," she said, blinking twice before snatching Ethan's phone. Grayson doesn't let the look of confusion escape, worry building in his gut. "When did he leave?"

"Ten or fifteen minutes ago?" he responds, seeking reassurance from his brother. The look he receives isn't one he expected, the worry on Ethan's face settling that feeling of fear further. Emma straightens in her seat as she looks to the door, panic almost instantaneous.

"We need to find him, like, now. We needed to find him pretty much ten minutes ago," Emma is rushing out, collecting her dress to stalk from the room faster. Grayson doesn't even question her words, nearly stepping on her heels as he worries.

"What's going on?" Ethan is first to ask, jogging to keep pace with Emma. It becomes obvious that her face paled when they step from the room, watching as she looks both ways in contemplation.

"There's this asshole, Jamie, who hates James. Normally this wouldn't mean a fucking thing, but I just saw him walk in with someone who most definitely would beat up my baby," she said, worrying at her lip before taking a right and making her way down the hallway.

Grayson can't help the unease settling in his gut, hoping that he was just overthinking the situation. What Emma said hardly calmed that fear, only made him wish he knew the school lay out. His mind was wandering, fearing the absolute worst that could have happened. What were they going to find?

She doesn't even hesitate to swing open the mens bathroom door, Grayson wiping his palms against his pants. He doesn't see it at first, the blood spots on the floor, but Emma does instantly. Emma's heels echo in the room, leaving Grayson and Ethan to wait at the door as she inspects what she can. Panic had taken over her features when she looked to them, stopping in the middle of the room.

"There's blood here," she states, Grayson's own running cold at just those words. No one dared walk any further, too fearful of what they would find. Grayson wants to tear through the room, see if James was there, if he was still alive and breathing.

The night had been going so well, Grayson belittling himself for not keeping an eye on James when he'd left. If he'd offered to walk with him, he doubted whatever happened would have transpired. He's the first to move, slowly opening the first bathroom stall. Immediately he's taken aback, blood littering the seat and a few droplets on the walls. The water, though, was nearly opaque, the crimson making Grayson weak in the knees.

"Don't come over here," he croaks, immediately shutting the door and running a hand over his face. Ethan has a firm grip on Emma, not letting her leave the middle of the room. Grayson is at a loss for words, eyes brimming with tears. "Do you have your phone, Emma?"

"No, it's in the car, why?" she said, knuckles white as she grips onto Ethan for support.

"He's not here anymore and I don't have his number and I just- I just want to make sure he's okay," he said, hands tugging at his hair in frustration. God, if only James had texted him, if only he had given him the right number.

"You have his number," Emma is quick to say, throwing Grayson into confusion.

"No I don't?" he said, already pulling his phone from his pocket.

Missed Calls (Grayson Dolan x James Charles)Where stories live. Discover now