Undress Your Soul

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They'd been sitting in front of the car for ages, Grayson too lost in thought. The moon danced on their backs, kissing the neon from the roller rink sign. Grayson was utterly smitten, Ethan shoving his brother to break him from his thoughts. He spares him a glance as he laughed, walking to his side of the car.

"Was it good?" he asks, sliding into the passenger seat. Grayson grazes his hand over his cheek, backing out of his spot before quickly leaving. That kiss on his cheek had placed a warm grin on his lips, thoughts occupied with James.

"It was beyond amazing, dude," Grayson can't stop smiling, Christmas lights dancing with joy in his eyes. Ethan can't help but smile too, sending off a text to Emma.

"He seemed really into you," Ethan states, taking in all the decorations. The subject was sensitive, almost, Ethan being the only one to know Grayson's sexuality. He didn't know what he could and couldn't ask- these nerves unusual for their relationship.He's pulled away from the twinkling lights as Emma texts him back, Ethan too giddy to wait and reply. 

"You think so?" Grayson said, biting nervously at his lip. James still hadn't sent him a text, making him think otherwise.

"No, I know so," Ethan said, shrugging his shoulders as he sent his brother a soft smile. It had taken them a while to get back to this point- acting like they had when they were kids. Ethan had hit a rough patch with his depression three years ago and Grayson had finally came out. Grayson was always going to be thankful for his brother, no matter the circumstances.

"He hasn't texted me, though," Grayson states simply, fingers tapping lightly on the wheel to hide his disappointment. If James really did like him, he would have texted him by now.

"Well, did you give him the right number?" Ethan said, as if that was the obvious solution.

"Why wouldn't I have?" Grayson snorts, he wouldn't have fucked up his own number. Would he? He didn't think so, but he surely felt the nerves building at such a thought.

"Bro, you gave our own mom the wrong number," Ethan said, throwing his hands up in defense at the glare he'd received from Grayson. That was an accident and Grayson felt more than sorry for the guy who thought he was getting invited for lasagna that night.

"There's just no way," Grayson muttered, slapping his palm against the steering wheel in frustration. God, he wouldn't let himself live it down if that were the case. James probably thought he didn't like him if that's what really happened.

"Listen, sometimes your dyslexia just fucks your love life over," Ethan said, trying to make a light hearted joke to ease his brother. Typically it was Ethan having outbursts, Grayson usually the one to try and diffuse the situation.

"How am I supposed to fix this?" Grayson said, stopping at the light and groaning. He wasn't even sure if James was interested in him at all. Ethan spared him a glance, patting his back with a heavy hand.

"Well, Emma said they had a dance coming up," Ethan starts, evil gleam in his eyes as he grins at his brother. "I'm going no matter what. No harm in showing up, I'd say."

"Ask Emma what color he's wearing," Grayson said, jumping as the car behind him beeped. He threw his hand out the window as an apology, quickly pressing on the gas to carry them home.

"We can set it up where James thinks it's going to be just him and Emma and then boom. We both show up, looking good as fuck," Ethan said, a wide grin on his face as he already wrote the text out to Emma. She had already planned on picking a dress up tomorrow, tell Ethan while they were skating. No doubt that James was going to tag along to pick up his own attire.

Missed Calls (Grayson Dolan x James Charles)Where stories live. Discover now