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Christmas lights danced on their skin, James passing the decorated houses quickly. Emma sat in the passenger seat, face glued to the window as she watched the sights pass. The snow had slowed to a halt that Saturday, the roads clear for the thirty minute drive that they were adventuring on. Purples and blue reflected off the windshield, Emma suddenly drenched in red and green light from a particularly vibrant display.

"I love Christmas," she said, fog dancing on the window as she let out a breath. James spares her a glance, a soft smile consuming his face. It was rare to catch Emma so exposed and vulnerable, revealing what that hard exterior had been hiding.

"I really love it, too," he admits, not wanting to shift the atmosphere in the car. Emma was usually loud words and rambling, something James adored, but this was nice, too. They both had nerves about the night- which was what the first half of the drive consisted of. Emma second-guessing everything, berating herself until James was tired of it.

They sit in silence for the next three minutes, Emma too entranced with the displays. He envied it, almost, not being able to stare at the sights longer. That's why he always preferred being passenger, taking in the sights with hungry eyes.

He'd driven this time, though, Emma's car having a flat tire. 'Just my luck,' she'd said, falling back in the snow and hoping it would engulf her. James had hoped it wasn't a sign as to how the night was supposed to go, the nerves building in his stomach.

The building came into view, James snapping from his thoughts as Emma gripped her seat belt tight. A soft laugh fell from him, pulling into the parking lot and finding a spot next to a light jade Bronco. As much as James hated the color green, he'd admit that this shade was sickening. The way the neon purple of Rollerama reflected on the hood and windshield was gorgeous.

"Are you ready?" James said, unsure if the question was meant for himself or Emma. There's a moment of silence, only the sound of Emma expelling a deep breath heard.

"You know, those lights were really pretty, we can always just go back now," she said, palms wiping along the light wash of her jeans. James was tempted to do the same, but opted for unbuckling himself instead.

"This is going to be good and fresh, Em. We have nothing to worry about," he said, ignoring the nagging thought that Grayson didn't feel the same. Baby blue and chocolate clash, Emma gripping James's denim jacket like it was her lifeline. The fear and nerves are evident in her eyes, James placing his hand over hers for reassurance.

"What if I fall and break my ankle and then no one can stop at all and I'm run over. Blood gushing out all over the floor and then Ethan falls too and the same thing happens and no one survives?" Emma is rambling, eyes widening with each word.

"Emma, stop," James said, stopping her from inducing a panic attack with her running thoughts. "That won't happen at all, I promise. You know I'd pull you off the floor even with my arm missing."

"You're right," she said, taking another deep breath and loosening her grip. The neon from the sign washed over both of them, James finally taking a peek at the sign. Now was the time to go in, there wasn't any more room for the nerves.

"We should go in," Emma said, having no intention of doing so. James just nods, turning the car off and sighing.

"Alright, kitty girl, let's go," James said, opening the door and stepping into the chilly air. Emma followed suit, fumbling with her seat belt before stepping into the night. He doesn't wait as he begins to walk, just throws an expectant look over his shoulder.

They're greeted with a friendly smile, the attendant taking the fee before allowing the two to step in. The roller rink is dimly lit, colors painting the floor in abstract ways as the music plays. Just before the roller rink is an employee renting off the skates, grinning at two girls before disappearing between the rows of skates.

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