Ain't She Sweet

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James wakes with a start, alarm blaring in his ear and Emma sitting up quickly. She looks confused, eyes attempting to adjust in the dimly lit room.

"Morning," James mutters, a large yawn stretching his jaw. The sun peeks through the blinds, running its fingers through the highlights in Emma's messy hair.

"Ugh," is all Emma responds, forcefully falling back on her pillow. A loud sigh invades the room, James chuckling as he rolls over Emma and out of the bed. "Wake me up when you're leaving. Actually, don't wake me up at all. Yeah, I like that idea much better."

"Shut up," James laughs, pulling a black hoodie and track pants from his dresser. Emma is too out of it, a pillow landing opposite of where James even was. He leaves without another word, shutting his door as he tiptoed to the bathroom across the hall.

He had thirty minutes before Ian would be banging on the door, enough time for something simple. There's an overused palette displayed, powder coating the pan to show just how often James reached for it.

Twenty minutes pass, James outlining his lips with a nude tone to match the sunset look he'd decided on for his eyes. Nothing too extravagant, but eye catching nonetheless. There's a soft tapping on the door, James opening it with confusion.

"Hi honey," his mom greets, a vibrant grin on her face. James wasn't used to seeing her up so early, but that didn't mean he was going to complain.

"Hey kitty girl," James said, matching her smile. His mom can't help but laugh- James hadn't filled his lips in yet, the liner apparent.

"I have to leave now for a meeting, but can you make sure Ian gets up? I won't be able to take him if he doesn't want to get up," Christie, his mom, said.

"Of course," James can't help but smile, embracing his mom before watching her head down the stairs. "Love you. Call me if you need anything."

"You too, honey," Christie beams, the door shutting softly to avoid any disturbances. James shuffles to Ian's room, knocking on the door before entering.

"Ian," James shouts, jumping on his brother's bed and laughing. He's met with a groan, Ian hiding entirely beneath the blanket.

"Go away," he mumbles, swatting at James.

"Can't do that- time to get up, kitty bitch," James responds, turning the light on before walking out. He can hear Ian shuffling around, falling to the floor in a tangle of his blankets. James is quick to fill his lips, heading out just as Ian waddled in with his clothes.

"I take it mom left early?" Ian said, hovering in the door frame as he watched his brother walk away.

"Yeah, so get ready quickly, you know I hate being late," James said, tossing Ian a knowing look before shutting his bedroom door.

Emma was still fast asleep, a soft snore coming from the bed. James almost felt bad with what he was about to do- almost.

"Emma!" he shouts, flicking on the light and throwing the discarded pillow from earlier. She sits up in a hurry, baby blues sharp as she makes eye contact with James. A scream had already fallen from her lips when the pillow had hit, James laughing hysterically.

"Don't do that," Emma whines, throwing the covers from her body and sighing.

"Too late, bitch ass," James said, a smirk firmly in place as he stuffs a few books into his backpack. A string of curse words leave Emma, a glare being sent in James' direction as she infiltrated his dresser.

"I'm wearing this," she said, holding a red Champion sweater up for James to see.

"Go right ahead," James doesn't even care to look, slipping a pair of Adidas on instead. Emma huffs, pulling a pair of light wash jeans out as well. She knew James wouldn't care, cuffing the legs to get rid of the overhang.

"Is it snowing out?" Emma said, finishing the last cuff and watching James peer out the blinds.

"The snow is good and fresh," James said, turning to look at her outfit choice, "just like that outfit, sis."

"Thanks, I try," Emma jokes, rolling her eyes before taking a look outside. A soft layer of snow coated the ground, pulling a sigh from her. "That means it's going to be cold and the sun is going to be hidden all day. I'm going to be a sad slug all day- these seasons are like a horrible roller coaster ride."

"I'll be sure to keep any salty bitches away," James said, a laugh falling from his lips before throwing his backpack on. Emma follows suit, albeit a little less elegantly. Ian meets them downstairs, bleached hair tousled and bag half open. James doesn't comment on this, just zips Ian's bag the rest of the way and escorts everyone to the car.

"Okay, Ian," James starts, looking into the rear view mirror periodically, "I have work tonight, but I can get you home. You just have to be at my car by 2:50 for a real one."

"Whatever you say, sister James," Ian said, a phantom smile on his face as he slides his headphones on.

Posters decorate the halls, glitter filled letters and blue and silver ribbons hanging from the ceiling. Emma clings to his arm, pointing to each vibrant sign with glee. James knew he'd go to the dance, there was no doubt in his mind, he just wished he had someone to join him.

"I'll go with you, it'll be so good," Emma said, tugging his arm and bringing him to a hot pink poster. "We would look so cute! Like James Dean and Audrey Hepburn."

"Wait, what?" James said, confusion written on his face. "Those two never dated, Em."

"Are you kidding me? Sleeping With Sirens lied to me," Emma said, a hand over her heart as the exasperation painted her. "Well, okay, that puts a damper on things."

"Sonny and Cher?" James suggests, before quickly retracting his words, "never mind, that ended in a divorce. Yoko Ono and John Lennon are more iconic, I think."

"Didn't John have an affair?" Emma said, head leaning on James shoulder as she applied chapstick.

"Yoko said it was consensual. They both needed a rest and he still called every day. Sometimes four times a day- sounds like us," James said, a laugh falling from his lips as he wrapped an arm around her waist. "Just as sister sappy, but less romantics."

"What, am I not good enough for you, James? I'm sorry I can't bulk up and my mustache is really light. I'm trying my best," Emma said, a light punch falling on his arm before their laughter mixed.

"Sorry, I like my men tall, dark, and handsome. You're lacking in all departments," he said.

"At least I have a pulse," she quips, hitting him in the face with her hair before walking towards homeroom.

"Got me there, girl," James said, falling into stride with her. "That's the top requirement."

"As it should be," Emma said, taking her seat and pulling out the homework she had failed to finish. "No, but really, we should go to the Winterfest dance together."

"We've went to every dance together since we were seven, Em," James said, rubbing his temples before sparing her a look. "Don't give me those puppy dog eyes, you act like I'll have anyone else to go with."

"Wow, I see, I'm only second choice," Emma sniffles, wiping away fake tears before grinning. "Alright, if neither of us has a date by, uh, the week before, we go together."

"Deal," James nods, eyes wandering around the room before sighing. Grayson would have been his only hope, but that had obviously fell through when he was given the wrong number. "That leaves me three weeks to find a cute boy."

"Right, that's like trying to find a needle in a haystack," she states, not looking up from the work she was doing.

"I'll just have to find a metal detector," James said, sticking his nose in the air before laughing lightly. Emma was grinning as she pulled one of James' papers closer to copy the answers.

Classes pass quickly, James and Emma parting ways after Calculus third hour. Ian was on time when it came to meeting James outside, a miracle all in its own. There were a few rough patches, the snow having covered the once cleared roads. That didn't stop James, though, as he was speeding just trying to get to work on time. James had made it in time, of course, but he doubted anyone would be visiting the frozen yogurt joint during a snowstorm. At least, that's what he thought until the bell above the door rang. 

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