Care Less More

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Espresso still lingers at the back of his throat, a reminder of the number sitting in his phone. James watches the faces pass by, none resonating with him as much as Grayson's. There was something about the grin he'd given, the freckle that rested at the bottom of his chin. He might have been terrible at making drinks, but James couldn't be mad at someone so breathtaking.

"My car got towed," Emma said, approaching James with hunched shoulders. He's broken from his thoughts, gasping at the statement she'd given.

"Sister you should have told me, I would have picked you up," James said, standing from his spot on the bench and wrapping her in a hug. He's met with a long sigh, Emma's knuckles white as she held on to him tightly. "Have you picked it up?"

"I'm having the worst luck, James," Emma starts, putting all of her weight onto the boy before her. Her blonde hair contrasted his hoodie, Emma not bothering to put it in a ponytail for once. "I pick it up and the thing doesn't even work. Inoperable! That's my fuckin' luck."

"Oh my god, Em, that's horrible," James can't help but run a hand through her hair, hoping to ease her. "Can I do anything to help?"

"I just want to die," she moans, lolling her head from side to side on his chest. He can't help but feel horrible, making hush noises as he pats her head.

"That won't be happening today. I say we wrap ourselves in pajama's and have a sister sleepover, kitty girl," James said, holding her at arms length as he gave her a beaming smile. He can see the tantrum brimming in her eyes and he was going to be damned if he didn't help her move away from such a thing. Best friends were meant to help with this sort of thing, after all.

"You can tell me about stupid boys that are, uh, ridiculously gorgeous," she said, a laugh falling from her lips as she rubs her baby blue eyes.

"Oh love that, let's head to my place," James said, wrapping an arm around her shoulder. They walked in silence, an utterly unusual occurrence for the two of them.

"We should be back to my house in five minutes," James admits, unlocking the car and waiting for Emma to buckle herself in. "Do you want me to stop anywhere? Wendy's?"

"Oh my god, please," Emma said, gripping her seat belt with a childish grin.

"While I do that," James said, taking a left in the small town to carry him to the stretch of food  chains. He hands Emma his phone, never one to text and drive. "Find Grayson in there and send him a text."

"What do you want me to say?" Emma is already hunting for the contact, her fingerprint the only other in his phone. "'What's cookin' good lookin'?' or 'Sister suck?'"

"Emma, no," James whines, a small laugh escaping him before he enters the parking lot. "Just say, 'hey kitty girl, it's James!'"

"I think my, uh, texts are much more straightforward. Honesty is key in any relationship, James," Emma is already typing what he said, looking up for a split second to see how long she had until her order.

"Very funny, I don't even think he's gay," James said, pulling forward more until they were in front of the menu.

"Could be bi until the day he dies," Emma jokes, the speaker crackling to show that the worker was in fact, listening.

"What can I get for you today?"

"Can we have a twenty piece nugget, two large fries, one large coca-cola, one large Hi-C, and then two large chocolate Frosty's, please?" James rattles off, Emma already digging into her purse for money. James swipes at her hand, shaking his head as he grabs his own wallet.

"Any sauces for that?" the woman asks, James looking to Emma before answering.

"A lot of barbecue and a lot of ranch, and that should be it," James finishes, thanking the woman once more as she gives him the total.

Missed Calls (Grayson Dolan x James Charles)Where stories live. Discover now