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Slender fingers run over a mess of color, soft chatter kissing pink-tipped ears. James turns to look at Emma, smile wide as he pulls out a soft lavender dress. She doesn't notice at first, too entranced with the sequins on a neon green dress. James would rather barf than see her in such a hideous dress.

"Oh hell no," James said, covering her eyes with his free hand and dragging her further down. He was a great friend, he would never let her wear something so ghastly.

"I thought it was nice. What? Are you saying I'm too ugly for the color green, James?" Emma said, prying his hand away and slapping at him. Eyes had wandered their way, the slapping and accusation pulling attention towards them.

"Yes," James said, laughing at the shocked expression taking over Emma's features. He loved her reactions to just about everything. "Bright green would drown out your color. A deep red or even a black would make you look sister snatched."

"Blood red will make you look sister snatched. Blah blah. Thank you, Ru Paul," Emma mocks, tightening the ponytail on her head. They can't help but laugh in unison, James placing the dress back on the rack.

"You'd look like your Grandma Francis if I wasn't here," James shot back, thumbing through the array of dresses before him.

"She was a fashion icon, I'll have you know. I would never be able to wear blue eyeshadow with her confidence," Emma said, folding her arms before stealing a sip of her coffee.

"We love a Queen that can pull off that shade," James said, eyes filling with adoration as he pulled out a deep red dress. It was shoulderless, bodice covered in an intricate gold jeweled design. Red peeked from underneath the design and flowed into a floor length chiffon fabric of the same color. It was more slim than it was poofy, James loving that already as he wanted something more sleek.

"I absolutely love that," Emma said, James taken aback at her sudden loss of words. He spares her a glance, proud of the fact that such a dress caught her attention. "I'm borderline going to steal from the store if that's not in the budget."

"A sweet hundred twenty, eighty under the budget," James said, evil glint in his eyes as he made his way to the dressing room. Emma was quick to follow, eyes the size of hearts as she reached for the fabric.

"I'll wear stilettos and break my ankles to make sure that fits," Emma said, snatching the dress and sliding into the dressing room. James can't help but grin with glee, knowing the color wouldn't be terrible on him either.

"I guess I'll have to settle with taking a girl to winter fest, again," James jokes, letting out a loud huff so Emma can hear. There's a snort from her dressing room followed by rustling that let James know she fell.

"You're lucky that I grace you with my presence. You could be going alone, the wolves would eat you alive," Emma said, grunting as James can only expect she hit her head on the wall. This always happened when they were out, Emma struggling to put on a shirt half the time. Her coordination was horrid, James glad she did cheerleading rather than volleyball or softball.

"Well, neither of us have a date so we're gracing each other's presence," James fires back, rubbing it in her face that she too didn't have a date.

"Right," Emma said, James squinting at the curtain at the sarcasm in her voice.

"You didn't reject someone just because I didn't get a date, did you?" James said, sudden guilt riddling his stomach. What type of best friend would he be if that were true?

"What? No," Emma is quick to say, James narrowing his eyes and standing from his spot. The curtain is pulled back, James glaring at a struggling Emma. "James!"

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