We All Need Something

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There's something to be said about dead silence. The way it wraps around your throat like a noose, seeping into the marrow of your bones. How something so quiet can be so deafening all at once.

James can't stop staring at himself in the mirror; examining the yellow bruises that felt like they hadn't faded. Something changed that night in the bathroom, rattled his soul until James wasn't sure it was his own. Never did he think someone could take away who he was--strip him of his confidence. He thought he would be fine, wrapped in the love of his family and Grayson. 

When James was taken to the hospital, the nurses had such pity in their eyes. Pity that burned holes through his chest and ignited a fire that he didn't know he had. This was an emotion that was foreign, one that took away who you were, yet defined you all at once. How could he have let himself become a statistic? 

He's shaken from his thoughts, fingertips caressing his cheekbones before he stands to check who was calling. A soft smile plays on his lips as he notes Grayson's name. Hesitation never occurred around the boy in question--quick to answer. 

"Hey," he said, excitement filling his voice. James was tired, but he was more exhausted of telling Grayson the same things over and over again. He'd become a broken record from the trauma that had occurred. He didn't want to worry him, didn't want to watch the stress etch his face and sadden his eyes.  

"What's cookin' good lookin'?" Grayson is grinning, aviators fitting his face just right. James can't help but cherish him. 

"Glad you got my number right," James jokes, leaning against his door frame.

"It was one time!"  Grayson said, exasperation clear on his face. 

"Twice, actually. Don't forget about mom," Ethan chimes, head appearing beside Grayson. An evil grin had formed on his face, more than happy to out his brother about this. 

"You're kidding?" James said, shock evident on his face. "I'm never letting you live this down."

"Get out of here, Ethan," Grayson huffs, pushing his brother out of frame and throwing a few hands his way. James can hear the laughter on the other end, a smile forming at the joyous sound. "Before I was rudely interrupted, what are your plans for today?"

"Nothing really, I have that court date tomorrow," James starts, snapping his mouth shut before he speaks too much on the subject. "What are you up to?"

"What makes you think I'm up to something?" Grayson said, a nervous laugh falling from his lips. 

"It was a joke, but now I'm not so sure," he said, cocking his eyebrow up. "Spill the beans."

"I have no beans, sir," Grayson stresses, voice high in pitch as he adjusts the camera to view just his nose and up. "Bean free household."

"You're ridiculous," he can't help but say, shaking his head before jumping onto his bed. "Come over."

"You know I would," Grayson starts rubbing the back of his neck, warning James of the impending 'no', "but Ethan is getting his wisdom teeth removed and I have to take him there."

"I better get videos of him," James can't help but laugh, picking at a piece of lint on his sheets. 

"Tomorrow?" Grayson said, hope shining in his eyes.

"I can after, you know," he starts, tucking his head between the crevice of his elbow. "Sound like a date? I promise to be in good spirits."

"You know it," Grayson grins, easing the bubble of anxiety in James' stomach. He was lucky to have such a wonderful person around. Dating or not. 

Missed Calls (Grayson Dolan x James Charles)Where stories live. Discover now