VanossGaming / Evan X Male Reader

608 9 5

(Y/n) POV

I woke up, got dressed, ate a simple breakfast or poptarts and milk, then headed to the basement. "State password" the computerized British voice said. "Fucking password," I replied, still feeling the grogginess of the morning. "Password accepted." The large metal door slide to the left, creating an opening to the white walls of the smoke smelling lab.

I reached to my right and grabbed a gas mask, which looked like that surgical mask doctors used, that hung from the wall. I placed it on my face before stepping on the marble flooring and picking out some rubber gloves and goggles and setting to work.

My 'work' you might ask, well, to be honest, I was a drug dealer. And a damn good one. Never once caught. You might be saying, 'But why a drug dealer? Why not a musician?' and I agree but, this was more fun. The adrenaline that pumps through your veins as you arrive and wait in the dark. The fear you get when trying to out run the cops. It was the best thing in the world. Nevertheless, being a dealer had to take talent and patience. That talent and patience being the ability to grow deadly plants and have the mindset to attack when threatened.

I let out a sigh, reluctantly getting to work.


"Wellington! Time!" I yelled out, kicking my feet up on my messy desk, taking off the goggles, mask and gloves. Sadly, the papers that littered the desk were just bills, family letters asking to see if I was dead, and some packages I have yet to open. "Time currently is 3:22pm. Your favorite bakery opened exactly 8 hours and 20 minutes ago." The smooth British voice of my AI said, causing a groan to escape my mouth. "Ughhhhh... Why the hell do Mondays have to exist?" I asked to myself, but Wellington saw it as a question directed for him to answer. "Monday's exist because-" I cut him off, "I'm going to stop you right there! Shut up wellington!" I said, putting my hand in the air. "Of course sir."

I groaned and sat up, taking my feet from the desk, slamming them on the ground. "Wellington, hibernation mode activate." I said, walking to the exit. The room got dark and the temperature dropped a few degrees. "Okay... Gotta be there in an hour." My shoulders dropped. "Whelp, better get ready..."


I was ready... I think... "Wellington, think of anything else I need?" I knew I was forgetting something. "Do you have the product?" I face palmed, "Ugh! How do I forget that?!" I ran to my room, quickly opening the safe and grabbing all the things I needed. "I GOTTA GO!!" my breath was heavy as I dashed outside to my truck, slammed the door shut once I entered, and then went on my way.

The whole ride was me constantly checking the time and driving out of the rural forest and into the crime riddled city. The random songs that the radio played were helping just a tiny bit. I looked out of the front window at the sky. It was darker than it was out near my place but that's what happens when you live with smoke producing machines. I took a deep breath and tried calming myself.

"Alright... Right around the corner!" I said happily, turning off the radio. "Hmm, they said they would be in a silver Prius parked in the second slot near the entrance..." my eyes wandered around the lot, seeing nothing. "Where are they?"

Right as I said that, someone knocked heavily on my window. I grabbed my mask, which was conveniently a biker's mask, placing it on my face before rolling down the window. "Hello, can I help you?" I asked nicely, "Yeah, are you the one they call (D/n aka dealer name)?" A smirk rested on my face. "Yep! Just let me get out!" the man backed away from the door. I opened it and stepped out. The person buying was short and had two bodyguards that were about the same height as me but still shorter, they were maybe 5" 11'?

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