Chapter Four: Therapy

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I was at the studio re-recording Porn Star. Chaz is my producer, so he's here. Jae walked in and started talking to Chaz. She then sat down and listened to me. I began singing staring right at her.

Let me put ya' mind to rest

I'm nothing like that other guy

I'ma put yo ass ta' bed

Just call me ya' lullaby

Believe it

Girl I'll be your quarterback

Receive it

Go deep baby lick them lips

No time to speak


When I finished, I walked out the booth. "You finished ya album fam!" Chaz smiled. I laughed. "This shit crazy. Who woulda thought Aug was gon' have an album?" He chuckled. "Yeah but you did it bruh." I dapped him. Chaz's phone rang. He stepped out. "I gotta take this." I nodded as he left me with Jae. "Wassup ma? How you been?" I aint talk to her since she told me our son had died. "I've been fine." "Aye ma, I been thinking. We been thru alot and Ion wanna lose your friendship..." She nodded. "Ok and?" "So I was thinking bout going to see a therapist with you." She looked at me. "Therapist are for couples. We aint shit, and frankly, I don't wanna be shit with you." I frowned. "C'mon ma. They have therapist to rebuild friendship. Just promise me you'll go." She looked me up and down and crossed her arms. "I'll think about it, but I'm not making any promises." I smiled. "I'll take that as a yes. Ima send you the address and time aight ma?" She nodded. "Whatever. Bye August." She said walking out. I smiled. Progress.


Within a week, I was able to get a therapist. I sent Jae the address and stuff, but she still hasn't showed up. I texted her and called her, but got no answer. A few minutes later, I got up and drove to her house. I knocked on the door and she opened it. "Why the fuck you aint come to the therapy session?" "Chaz was sick, so I had to take care of him. Y'know, make him some soup. Like you did Christina right?" She smirked tryin' to be smart. I frowned. "That was childish Jae. Real fucking childish." "Now you know how I felt all them times when you fucked me over for Christina. I told you I'd think about it. I thought and decided I'm not going. I said no promises." She closed the door in my face. I'm getting sick of this. I walked to my car and started driving.


Short chapter I know. And Ima say this again. I update when I want to and when I can. Some of yall don't get that. I have a life outside of wattpad just like everyone else, so I'm not gonna update just cause you comment "UPDATE!". Thanks for the enthusiasm, but I'll update when I feel like it. Thanks.

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