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August (1 year later)
Never in a million years would I ever think I'd be getting married. I buttoned up my tux. I aint talk to my baby in 2 days and it's killing me. I FaceTimed Jae and Indi's face was all in the camera. She moved it further away so I could see her whole smiling face. "Dadadadada!!!" She screaming into the phone. I smiled at my babygirl. "Hey fat mama." She smiled at me clapping her hands. Jae took the phone causing my smile to grow wider. "Hey baby," She said smiling. "Wassup ma?" "You know we not supposed to speak before the wedding." "I know, but I missed you ma." "I missed you too. I'm about to get dressed. I gotta go. I love you." "I love you too." She hung up and Sneak, Trav and Smoke walked in the room. "Wazzam? You ready?" I nodded. "I'm ready but I'm nervous as hell." "Why? You don't love her?" "Hell yeah I love her. I'm just nervous." "Well you got 10 minutes to get yo shit together bruh."
I nodded and we began praying. "Wazzam God? I aint know you really was looking out for me until you bought Jae and Indi into my life. I never thought I'd be in love. Thank you. Thank you for giving me Jae and Indi. Thank you for keeping me sane after Mel died. 'Preciate it man. Amen." I said opening my eyes. I touched the chain on my neck that had Mel's face on it and smiled. I'm ready.
I stood at the alter waiting for my bride to come down the aisle. I saw Chay, Mya, Kay and Indi walking down the aisle throwing the flowers. I smiled. Then, I heard the typical 'here's come the bride' music causing me to look up to see Jae walking down the aisle. Tears instantly filled my eyes as I looked at how beautiful Jae looked. I smiled with tears coming down my face as Travis walked her down the aisle. She approached me and I grabbed her hand helping her step up. I looked her in her eyes and saw that she was crying as well. "You look beautiful ma." She smiled. "Thank you." "We are gathered together on this beautiful afternoon to share with Jaelynn and August as they exchange vows of their everlasting love. Who gives this woman to be married to this man? ((August's mother: "Her Parents, aunt & I" She places Jaelynn's hand in August's & is seated)) "Does anyone have objections? Speak now or forever hold your peace." We waited a moment to see if anyone would object but as expected, no one did, so he continued: "As Jaelynn and August take their vows today, we are privileged to witness the joyous love of a new family -- a family that will be nourished and nurtured through the devotion of two separate individuals growing together through the common bonds of love. May their marriage bring them the peace, joy, comfort and contentment that is known in the hearts of all God's children. And may August and Jaelynn both look forward to each new season of their marriage --- just as the world looks forward to each new season of the year. For all seasons bring with them their own special moments and memories. An essential requirement of a good marriage is a strong bond of real friendship and trust. Jaelynn and August, your love for each other will grow deeper with every passing day, but it's important to remember that your love stands on a foundation of genuine, mutual affection and respect for each other. To truly LOVE another person is to be willing to accept both their strong points, and their weak points, with equal measures of understanding and respect. The vows you are about to exchange, will serve as a verbal representation of the non-verbal emotions that are as real as any thing that can be seen, heard or touched. For it is not the words that you will speak today that will bond you together as one --- but the strength of the love and commitment found deep within your souls." I began to speak. "Hey baybehhh. Before I met you, I never expected myself to fall in love. I never even thought about it. I've hurt you alot in the past, but I promise not to anymore. You're my everything. You've blessed me with my babygirl. You've helped through everything. You held me down even when I was acting like an ass- 'cuse my french-, and I thank you for that. All I ask is that you continue to love me and support me. Please know your worth ma. Don't ever forget how much you mean to people. It's safe to say I love you. Scratch that, I'm in love with you. And I thank God everyday for bringing you into my life." She smiled as I finished and I wiped her tears. She began to speak. "Uh. Where do I start? It seems like yesterday when I was at my aunt's doorstep dreading that I ever moved to New Orleans. I was bitter and hurt due to my parent's death then I met you. You hurt me a couple times and I've hurt you as well and I genuinely apologize for that. I appreciate you soo much, August. You've been my rock, my superman for the past 4 years and I'm glad we stayed together. Thank you for saving me that day when I didn't feel like I had anything else to live for. You're such a great father to Indi. I love you baby. I'm glad you my babydaddy!" She laughed and I chuckled. Let us pray . . .)) At this time, I'll ask you, August, and you, Jaelynn, to face each other & take each other's hands. August do you take Jaelynn to be your wife, your partner in life and your one true love? Do you promise to cherish her friendship and love her today, tomorrow and forever? Will you trust and honor her, laugh with her and cry with her? Will you be faithful through good times and bad, in sickness and in health as long as you both shall live?" I answered "I do" as I slid the ring on her finger. "Jaelynn, do you take August to be your husband, your partner in life and your one true love? Will you cherish his friendship and love him today, tomorrow and forever? Will you trust and honor him, laugh with him and cry with him? Will you be faithful through good times and bad, in sickness and in health as long as you both shall live?" She answered, "I do." And slid the ring on my finger. "With that being said, by the power invested in me, I now pronounce you Husband and Wife. August, you may kiss your bride."
I smiled moving the veil out of her face before giving her all my love in that kiss. We pulled away, and a broom was placed in from of us. She grabbed my hand, and we jumped the broom before kissing again. "We're Married!" I smiled at how happy she was. I wiped the tears out her eyes whispering, "I love you," over and over again.
I'm finally happy and in love.
What yall think? Good chapter or nah? I tried. Ion know bout marriage so forgive me.

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